February 25 - 29, 2008

February 25 - 29, 2008


– A –

Agricultural Laws and Legislation — Canada
Brubaker, Elizabeth.  Greener pastures:  decentralizing the regulation of agricultural pollution.  Toronto:  University of Toronto Press, 2007.
KF 1682 B78 2007

– B –

Biodiversity Conversation — Law and Legislation
Jeffery, Michael I. (et al.).  Biodiversity conservation, law & livelihoods:  bridging the north-south divide.  New York:  Cambridge University Press, 2008.
K 3488 B568 2008

Bribery — Great Britain
Great Britain.  Law Commission.  Reforming bribery:  a consultation paper.  London:  TSO, 2007.
KF 9409 G746 2007

– C –

Canada — Emigration and Immigration — Government Policy — History
Knowles, Valerie.  Strangers at our gates:  Canadian immigration and immigration policy, 1540-2006.  Toronto; Tonawanda, NY:  Dunurn Press, 2007.
JV 7220 K565 2007

Child Support — Law and Legislation — Canada — Digests
Nemet-Brown, Sheila.  Child support.  Markham, ON:  LexisNexis Canada, 2007.
KF 547 C466 2007

Contracts — Canada
MacDougall, Bruce.  Introduction to contracts.  Markham, ON:  LexisNexis, 2007.
KF 801 M237 2007

Corporate Governance — Law and Legislation
Norton, Joseph J. (et al.).  Corporate governance post-Enron:  comparative and international perspectives.  London:  British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2006.
K 1327 C673 2006

Criminal Justice, Administration of — Great Britain
Great Britain.  Law Commission.  The High Courts jurisdiction in relation to criminal proceedings:  a consultation paper.  London:  The Stationery Office, 2007.
KF 9223 G753 2007

– D –

Debt Relief
Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo.  Expedited debt restructuring:  an international comparative analysis.  Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands:  Kluwer Law International, 2007.
K 4450 E97 2007

Direct Taxation — Law and Legislation — European Union Countries
Towards a homogeneous EC direct tax law:  an assessment of the member states’ responses to the ECJ’s case law.  Amsterdam:  IBFD, 2007.
KJE 7160 T69 2007

Domestic Relations — British Columbia — History
Clarkson, Chris.  Domestic reforms:  political visions and family regulation in British Columbia, 1882-1940.  Vancouver:  UBC Press, 2007.
KF 505 ZA4 C53 2007

Double Taxation — Canada — Treaties
Krishna, Vern.  The Canada-India tax treaty:  text and commentary.  Markham, ON:  LexisNexis, 2007.
KF 6306 K725 2007

– E –

Ex-Convicts — Legal Status, Laws, Etc. — United States
Love, Margaret Colgate.  Relief from the collateral consequences of criminal conviction:  a state-by-state resource guide.  Buffalo, NY:  William S. Hein, 2006.
KF 390 E87 L68 2006

– H –

Human Rights
Solomon, Margot E.  Global responsibility for human rights:  world poverty and the development of international law.  Oxford; Toronto:  Oxford University Press, 2007.
K 3240 S255 2007

– I –

Indians of North America — Legal Status, Laws, Etc. — Canada
Law Commission of Canada.  Indigenous legal traditions.  Vancouver:  UBC Press, 2007.
KF 8220 I64 2007

Insanity (Law) — Canada
White, Kimberley.  Negotiating responsibility:  law, murder, and states of mind.  Vancouver:  UBC Press, 2008.
KF 9242 W55 2008

International Organization
Lewis, Douglas.  Global governance and quest for justice.  International and regional organizations.  Oxford; Portland, OR:  Hart Pub., 2006.
JZ 1318 G55 2006

– J –

Judicial Independence — Vietnam
To, Van-Hoa.  Judicial independence:  a legal research on its theoretical aspects, practices from Germany, the United States of America, France, Vietnam, and recommendations for Vietnam.  Lund:  Juristforiaget:  Distribution, Akademibokhandein I Lund, 2006.
K 3367 T6 2006

– L –

Law — Nigeria
Olong, Adefi M.  The Nigerian legal system:  an introduction.  2nd ed.  Lagos, Nigeria; Malthouse Press, 2007.
KF 385 ZK7 O46 2007

Law — Psychological Aspects
Roesch, Ronald (et al.).  Psychology and law:  criminal and civil perspectives.  Aldershot, Hampshire:  Ashgate, 2007.
K 346 P7898 2007

Legal Research
Hoffman, Marci.  International and foreign legal research:  a course book.  Leigen:  M. Nijhoff Publishers, 2008.
K 85 H64 2008

– M –

Marital Property — Canada
Nemet-Brown, Sheila.  Matrimonial property.  Markham, ON:  LexisNexis, 2007.
KF 524 M38 2007

Medical Ethics — United States
Keyes, W. Noel.  Bioethical and evolutionary approaches to medicine and the law.  Chicago:  American Bar Association, 2007.
R 724 K487 2007

– R –

Restorative Justice
Zernova, Margarita.  Restorative justice:  ideals and realities.  Aldershot, Hants, England:  Ashgate, 2007.
K 970 Z47 2007

– S –

Small Claims Courts — Ontario
Knight, S. Patricia.  Small claims court:  procedure and practice.  Toronto:  Emond Montgomery Publications, 2008.
KF 8769 K55 2008

Sports — Law and Legislation — Canada
Corbett, Rachel.  Legal issues in sport:  tools and techniques for the sport manager.  Toronto:  Emond Montgomery Publications, 2008.
KF 3989 C67 2008

Support (Domestic Relations) — Canada — Digest
Nemet-Brown, Sheila (et al.).  Spousal support and dependants’ relief.  Markham, ON:  LexisNexis Canada, 2007.
KF 537 S66 2007

– T –

Terrorism — Prevention — International Cooperation
Terrorisme et droit international = Terrorism and international law.  Leiden; Boston:  M. Nijhoff Publishers, 2007.
K 5256 T47 2007

Trusts and Trustees — Nigeria — Congresses
Utuama, A.A. (et al.).  The law of trusts and their uses in Nigeria.  Lagos:  Maltlhouse Press, 2004.
KF 730 L345 2004

– U –

United States.  Supreme Court History
Abraham, Henry Julian.  Justices, presidents, and senators:  a history of the U.S. Supreme Court appointments from Washington to Bush II.  5th new and revised edition.  Lanham:  Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc., 2008.
KF 8742 A72 2008

– W –

War Crime Trials
Futamura, Madoka.  War crimes tribunals and transitional justice:  the Tokyo Trial and the Nuremberg legacy.  London; New York:  Routledge, 2008.
KZ 1174.5 F88 2008

World Politics
Hurrell, Andrew.  On global order:  power, values, and the constitution of international society.  Oxford; New York:  Oxford University Press, 2007.
JZ 1318 H685 2007