New electronic resource: ChinaLawInfo

New electronic resource: ChinaLawInfo

The ChinaLawInfo databases are now available. There are 4 databases available 1 in English and 3 in Chinese.

Laws & regulations database (English)
Laws & regulations database (Chinese)
Law journals database (Chinese)
Case law database (Chinese)

Here's some information from their about page:

" strives to give you access to English-language versions of all the relevant documents for your legal needs in China. Our flagship Laws & Regulations and Cases databases as well as our Legal News and Legal Forum databases provide you with full-text access to a huge array of legal information tailored specifically to the needs of foreigners and foreign organizations working in China. To further supplement these resources, our Gazettes and Law Journals databases allow you to view the complete table of contents of the official gazettes of various government entities as well as a variety of Chinese legal journals. ... There are more notes and links in the Chinese text, but we only provide English translations for the main contents of the Chinese text, so you may find that there are no English translations for the additional notes and links in the Chinese text. Please pay attention to this when you use our database."