May 25 - May 29, 2009

May 25 - May 29, 2009


– A –

Animal Welfare — Law and Legislation — Australasia
Animal law in Australasia: a new dialogue. Editors: Peter Sankoff, Steven White. Annandale, NSW: Federation Press, 2009.
KF 3841 A95 2009

Antitrust Law — Economic Aspects
McNutt, Patrick A. Law, economics and antitrust: towards a new perspective. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: E. Elgar, 2005.
K 3850 M29 2005

– B –

Bankruptcy — Canada
Bennett, Frank. Bennett on bankruptcy precedents. 2nd ed., 2009. Toronto: CCH Canadian Ltd., 2008.
KF 1536 ZA2 B464 2008

Budget — Law and Legislation — Canada
Canada. Department of Finance. Bill C-10, Budget Implementation Act, 2009: February 6, 2009. [Toronto, ON]: CCH Canadian Ltd., 2009.
KF 6225 C338 2009

Canada. Department of Finance. Bill C-10, Budget Implementation Act, 2009, with explanatory notes. [Toronto, ON]: CCH Canadian Ltd., 2009.
KF 6225 C3384 2009

Canada. Department of Finance. Explanatory (technical) notes relating to Bill C-10 ( Budget Implementation Act, 2009), amending the Income Tax Act, Income Tax Regulations, Excise Tax Act, Excise Act, 2001 and Budget Implementation Act, 2008. Toronto, ON: Carswell, 2009.
KF 6225 C3487 2009

– C –

Capital Punishment — United States
Streib, Victor L. Death penalty in a nutshell. 3rd ed. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West, 2008.
KF 9227 C2 S772 2008

Civil Law — Argentina
Código civil y leyes complementarias: comentado, anotado y concordado. Director, Augusto C. Belluscio; coordinador, Eduardo A. Zannoni. Buenos Aires: Editorial Astrea de A. y R. Desalma, 1978-2005.
KHA 404 1978 V. 1-10

Civil Procedure — Spain
Ortells Ramos, Manuel. Derecho procesal civil. 7ª ed., rev. y puesta al día. Cizur Menor (Navarra): Thomson/Aranzadi, 2007.
KKT 1710 O78 2007

Civil Rights — United States
Sullivan, Michael. Legal pragmatism: community, rights, and democracy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007.
KF 4749 S855 2007

Comparative Law
Watson, Alan. Comparative law: law, reality and society. 2nd enlarged ed. Lake Mary, FL: Vandeplas Pub., 2008.
K 559 W38 2008

Consolidation and Merger of Corporations — Law and Legislation — China
D’Agnolo, Gianluca [et al.]. Best practices for mergers & acquisitions in China. [Boston, MA]: Aspatore, 2008.
KNQ 1148 B47 2008

Constitutional History — Australia
Aroney, Nicholas. The constitution of a federal commonwealth: the making and meaning of the Australian Constitution. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
KF 4489 A76 2009

Constitutional Law — Colombia
Moncayo, Victor Manuel [et al.]. El debate a la Constitución. 1. ed. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia: Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos, 2002.
KHH 2921 D43 2002

Courts — United States — Public Opinion
The most dangerous branch: the judicial assault on American culture. Edited by Edward B. McLean. Lanham, MD; Toronto: University Press of America, 2008.
KF 8719 M67 2008

Crimes Against Humanity
Assessing the impact of transitional justice: challenges for empirical research. Edited by Hugo van der Merwe, Victoria Baxter and Audrey R. Chapman. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 2009.
K 5301 A976 2009

Criminal Law — Germany
Bohlander, Michael. Principles of German criminal law. Oxford; Portland, OR: Hart, 2009.
KK 7987 B64 2009

– D –

Dispute Resolution (Law)
Côté, Charles-Emmanuel. La participation des personnes privées au règlement des différends internationaux économiques: l’élargissement du droit de porter plainte à l’OMC. Bruxelles: Bruyland; [Cowansville]: Y. Blais, 2007.
K 4610 C68 2007

– E –

Evidence, Expert — Ireland
Consultation paper: Expert evidence. Dublin: Law Reform Commission = An Coimisiún um Athchóiriú an Dlí. Dublin: Law Reform Commission, 2008.
KF 8961 I74 2008

– F –

Freedom of Speech — United States
Zick, Timothy. Speech out of doors: preserving First Amendment liberties in public places. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
KF 4772 Z42 2009

– H –

Homestead Law — Hawaii
Kauanui, J. K?haulani. Hawaiian blood: colonialism and the politics of sovereignty and indigeneity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008.
KF 5670 K38 2008

Human Rights
El mundo indigena. Copenhague: IWGIA, 2007.
K 3240 M86 2007

Humanitarian Law
Osiel, Mark. The end of reciprocity: terror, torture, and the law of war. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
KZ 6471 O845 2009

– I –

Intellectual Property — United States
Dobrusin, Eric M. Intellectual property culture: strategies to foster successful patent and trade secret practices in everyday business. Oxford; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2008.
KF 2979 D63 2008

International Offences
The Oxford companion to international criminal justice. Editor-in-chief, Antonio Cassesse. Oxford, UK; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2009.
K 5301 O94 2009

International Relations
Habermas, Jürgen. The divided West. Cambridge; Malden, MA: Polity, 2006 (2008 printing).
JZ 1305 H23 2006

– L –

Labor Laws and Legislation — Germany
Weiss, Mandred. Labour law and industrial relations in Germany. 4th rev. ed. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2008.
KK 2860 W45 2008

Law and Art — United States — Cases
Merryman, John Henry. Law, ethics, and the visual arts. 5th ed. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2007.
KF 4288 A7 M47 2007

Law and Globalization
Multicultural jurisprudence: comparative perspectives on the cultural defense. Edited by Marie-Claire Foblets and Alison Dundes Renteln. Oxford; Portland OR: Hart Pub., 2009.
KZ 1268 M85 2009

Lawyers — Fees — United States
MacKinnon, F.B. Contingent fees for legal services: professional economics and responsibilities. New Brunswick (USA): Aldine Transaction, 2008.
KF 310 C6 M33 2008

Lawyers — United States — Accounting
Bradford, C. Steven. Basic accounting principles for lawyers. 2nd ed. Newark, NJ: LexisNexis, 2008.
KF 320 A2 B73 2008

Legal Composition
Legal writing: how to write legal briefs, memos, and other legal documents in a clear and concise style. Edited by Amanda Martinsek. New York: Kaplan Pub., 2009.
KF 250 M372 2009

Smith, Michael R. Advanced legal writing: theories and strategies in persuasive writing. 2nd ed. Austin: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2008.
KF 250 S58 2008

Legal Opinions — United States
Steiger, David A. The globalized lawyer: secrets to managing outsourcing, joint ventures, and other cross-border transactions. Chicago, IL: ABA, GP Solo, 2008.
KF 299 I5 S74 2008

– M –

Mass Media — Law and Legislation — New Zealand
Law, liberty, legislation: essays in honour of John Burrows QC. Editors, Jeremy Finn, Stephen Todd. Wellington, NZ: LexisNexis, 2008.
KF 2750 A75 L39 2008

– P –

Patent Laws and Legislation — United States
Landers, Amy L. Understanding patent law. Newark, NJ: LexisNexis, 2008.
KF 3114 L36 2008

Practice of Law — United States
Dravis, Bruce F. Your billable life: a law firm survival guide for new attorneys. New York: Kaplan Pub., 2008.
KF 300 D73 2008

– S –

Securities — Alberta
Consolidated Alberta Securities Transfer Act 2008. Consolidating editor, Rick Levinson. Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2007.
KF 1454 C65 2007

Support (Domestic Relations) — Colombia
Moya Vargas, Manuel Fernando. Los fallos penales por inasistencia alimentaria: un desfase entre la ley y la práctica judicial. Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás, 2007.
KHH 527 M69 2007

Sustainable Development — Law and Legislation — Great Britain
Dowden, Malcolm. Climate change and sustainable development: law, policy and practice. London: EG Books, 2008.
KF 3775 ZC2 D69 2008

– T –

Terrorism — Argentina
Argentina. Comisión Nacional sobre la Desaparición de Personas. Nunca más: informe de la Comisión Nacional sobre la Desaparición de Personas. 8ª ed. [Buenos Aires]: Eudeba , 2006.
HV 6322.3 A7 A74 2006

– W –

War (International Law)
War, torture and terrorism: rethinking the rules of international security. Edited by Anthony F. Lang, Jr. and Amanda Russell Beattie. London; New York: Routledge, 2009.
KZ 6385 W36 2009

Women Lawyers — Vocational Guidance — United States
Craig, Judith E. Women attorneys speak out: how practicing law is different for women than for men —(and tips on how to handle the biggest frustrations). [Eagan, MN]: Thomson West, 2008.
KF 299 W6 C73 2008