SSRN Developing New Search Interface

SSRN Developing New Search Interface

The folks at SSRN have announced that they are working on a new search interface for their collection of research papers. This new eLibrary Viewer will, "... reduce a researcher’s time reviewing articles."

"The eLibrary Viewer places search results in the left hand column of the page. Each result displays hyper-linked title and authors, and the first few lines of the abstract. In addition, we included buttons to open the full abstract page in another window; view citations, references, and footnotes where available; add the abstract to a user’s MyBriefcase; and share, email, or download the paper. These features will allow readers to quickly review and share multiple articles without having to go back and forth between the results and the content pages."

You can see a mock up of the beta implementation here.

If you're interested in trying the new interface sign in to SSRN HQ and click on the Beta Lab tab on the search page. They are interested in your feedback so give it a try and let them know what you think.