New Canadian Securities Act and National Securities Regulation

New Canadian Securities Act and National Securities Regulation

The press this week has been full of reports and stories on the the proposed Canadian Securities Act, introduced in the House of Commons on May 26 by the federal Finance minister. The legislation creates a national Canadian Securities Regulatory Authority (CSRA) and an independent Canadian Securities Tribunal to replace the current hodge-podge of provincial securities acts and commissions. The government seems determined to move forward with this, despite resistance from several provinces; indeed, the government has officially submitted a reference to the Supreme Court of Canada, seeking the Court's opinion on whether the legislation is within the legislative authority of the Parliament of Canada. To inform yourself, here are some links to major documents:

BTW: At the time of posting this blog, I was unable to find any of these documents on the Dept. of Finance website -- not on the News or Publications pages, nor by doing a site search. Nor had the bill yet been posted to the House of Commons bills page.  In fact, there was no official mention of any of this. All these documents and links have been retrieved by reading blogs and news stories on the Web.