European e-Justice Portal

European e-Justice Portal

The European Community has placed a new online front end on its law-related offerings, aiming to make it easier to find what you want amid the welter of languages, systems, and regulations. The recently launched European e-Justice Portal (in English here) contains sections directed at the public, businesses, the legal profession, and the judiciary. Within the Legal Profession section are the following resources:

  • Law – providing general information and links with respect to the laws of the union, member states, and international treaties
  • Case law – offering links to databases containing judgments for these various jurisdictions (and notably lacking any references to WorldLII or BAILii)
  • Legal professions and judicial systems – containing pretty much an overview for the various jurisdictions involved
  • Justice Forum – which “organises thematic meetings during which the representatives of the member-organisations express their views on newly proposed and existing justice policy initiatives and legislative instruments”
  • Judicial systems – providing, again, general information
  • Registers – offering information and links with respect to business, land, and insolvency registers
  • Videoconferencing – supplying information for those who might want to use videoconferencing in legal discussions or proceedings for efficiency’s sake.

Reblogged from Simon Fodden's post on Slaw.