New Enhancements to QuickCITE

New Enhancements to QuickCITE

There are two recent enhancements to Quicklaw's QuickCITE case law citator which deserve you attention. QuickCITE is the essential research tool that allows you to determine the history, status and importance of a case.

First, LexisNexis Canada has added commentary references to QuickCITE. Researchers will be able to learn whether a case has been considered in either Halsbury’s Laws of Canada or in a Canadian law journal. QuickCITE records will include a commentary section that provides researchers with a list of citing references and hypertext links to the commentary documents which consider the case in question. This level of analysis has been available on American citators (Shepard's on Lexis and KeyCite on Westlaw) for eons, so it's nice this is finally available for Canadian cases.

Second, a new sort option in QuickCITE will give researchers the ability to sort full text cases from Canadian courts and tribunals according to the number of times they have been cited by other cases. With this feature, researchers will have one more tool to focus quickly on the most pertinent and important cases.