ResultsPlus on Westlaw Canada

ResultsPlus on Westlaw Canada

Back in July, Carswell announced the addition of ResultsPlus to Westlaw Canada. ResultsPlus enriches your case law research by recommending analytical material related to your search along with your case law search results. To date ResultsPlus has drawn all its analytical suggestions from one source – the Canadian Encyclopedic Digest (CED).

The scope of ResultsPlus has now been extended to include suggestions from the Westlaw Canada collection of facta in addition to suggestions from the CED. This collection adds thousands of documents to the pool of analytical material drawn on by ResultsPlus and provides analysis of a wide variety of issues litigated in Canadian courts. Click here for more information.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to access any of the facta from your law school Westlaw Canada subscription. The facta can only be accessed from the Westlaw Litigator online service, which is available in the Osgoode library. Westlaw Litigator can be accessed from the library only (i.e., Osgoode Library Services in HNES 018) from any of the PCs workstations. Contact the reference librarians if you have any questions.