German Law Journal Now on HeinOnline

German Law Journal Now on HeinOnline

The German Law Journal is now available on the HeinOnline Law Journals Library. After ten volumes the German Law Journal has secured a place among the world's leading academic fora concerned with transnational law. In 2009 the German Law Journal was ranked as the world's leading "online, peer-reviewed" law journal of any subject matter (for the fifth year in a row) and the leading law journal based in Germany, whether online or in print (for the 3rd year in a row), and now ranks in the top 15 of all journals concentrating on "foreign, European and civil law systems." This highly ranked journal reports in English on the latest decisions of Germany's federal courts.

We report on this because one of the Journal's two editors-in-chief is our own Prof. Peer Zumbansen, and much of the editing work is done by student editors here at Osgoode. Of course, the German Law Journal has been since its inception a leader in the "open access" scholarly publication movement. All issues of the Journal, from the v. 1 in 2000 to the current issue, are available on the Journal's website in PDF format. This is in addition to its availability on HeinOnline.