Additions to Hein's World Constitutions Illustrated

Additions to Hein's World Constitutions Illustrated

HeinOnline's World Constitutions Illustrated library of contemporary and historical constitutional documents continues to grow. In the past month, in addition to many primary source documents, the following historical treatises have been added to the collection:

  • Correspondence of the American Revolution; Being Letters of Eminent Men to George Washington, from the Time of His Taking Command of the Army to the End of His Presidency (1853) - George Washington & Jared Sparks - 4 Volume Set!
  • Constitutions Modernes: Recueil des Constitutions en Vigueur dans les Divers Etats d’Europe, d’Amerique et du Monde Civilise (2d ed.) - F. R. Dareste - 2 Volume Set!
  • Anotaciones a la Constitucion de Estados Unidos (1888-1890) - George W. Paschal & N. A. Calvo - 2 Volume Set!
  • Comentario a la Constitucion de la Nacion Argentina (1908-1911) - Perfecto Araya - 2 Volume Set!
  • Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States: With a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before the Adoption of the Constitution (1873) - Joseph Story & Thomas M. Cooley
  • Contra la Anexion (1928) - Jose Antonio Saco

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