New Website for Supreme Court of Canada Judgments

New Website for Supreme Court of Canada Judgments

This past week, the Supreme Court of Canada launched a new website for its online judgments. I think you'll agree the site is cleaner, clearer, more efficient, easier to use and much more attractive. There is a "quick search" box right at the top of the page, with a link to an "Advanced Search" function.

The new Homepage immediately presents the most recent judgments and news releases in separate sections. Additionally, you are presented with the one-click option, in the "Decions" section, of browsing all Appeals (by year, case name, subject or published volume) or Applications for Leave (by year or case name); and in the "News" section, of browsing all News Releases or Bulletins (both by year only).

The new website shows off the Decisia software designed and developed by Lexum, the company that puts the opinions of the Supreme Court of Canada online. The software assists courts and tribunals to put their decisions online.

Personally -- after only a short test-drive of the new site -- my only complaint is that there is no way of finding or returning the SCC websibe from the new Decisions website. Otherwise, the site makes what was already a very good site even better.