Legal Fiction and DVDs

Legal Fiction and DVDs

Where the magic starts.

As the leaves fall and winter inexorably marches forward, reading dry legal text after dry legal text can start to weigh heavily. Rather than resorting to yet another round of "Angry Birds" or trawling TMZ, you might want to take the time to check out the Osgoode Library's Legal Fiction and DVD collections.

Bonus: Because they're about the law, you're still being productive - right?

You can find this collection on the main floor of the library in the Core Collection. The DVDs are located in their own dedicated alcove, with titles ranging from Dexter to to Rumpole of the Bailey. The legal fiction shelves are right beside the DVDs in row 13 of the Core Collection (as the picture above illustrates).

Keep an eye on the collection, as new items are being added regularly!