Are Good Research Skills Important For Summer/Articling Students?

Are Good Research Skills Important For Summer/Articling Students?


Want to impress those you are working with? Summer and articling students (and junior lawyers too) do a great deal of research work. Being known as an efficient and effective researcher can only help at hire-back time. Law firms and departments are always looking for cost-effective ways of carrying out their work. Electronic library resources, a number of which are provided to law schools and students for free, are extremely expensive for others to use. Learn how to use those resources to their full advantage, learn what free legal resources exist while you are at law school, and increase your value to your future employer. Firms can't always recover research costs from clients, and don't like to write off time and research expenses. Maximize your search power and minimize costs. The reference librarians await your call or visit.

(For more, see Simon Chester's October 22, 2012 post on Slaw (