New on HeinOnline - State Statutes: A Historical Archive

New on HeinOnline - State Statutes: A Historical Archive

Hein has just announced the release of State Statutes: A Historical Archive in HeinOnline. This new collection includes more than 1,600 volumes and nearly 2,000,000 pages of historical, superseded state statutes and offers a valuable source of information for legal researchers and scholars to understand the thinking and conditions behind the creation of the historical statutes. The collection is part of the HeinOnline Session Laws Library.

Historical statutes are available for all 50 states. The contents for each state have been verified against Pimsleur’s Checklist of Basic American Legal Publications. Coverage goes as far back as 1717!

The statutes can be browsed or searched by State, Publication Title and Date. allowing you quickly to locate the specific statute you are looking for. Or, you can browse by state and search within that state.