Early Canadiana Online (ECO): New Platform, Faster Search!

Early Canadiana Online (ECO): New Platform, Faster Search!

Early Canadiana Online (ECO) has launched a new platform for faster and more accurate searching and navigation. ECO now supports advanced and Boolean searching as described here, as well as personalized accounts and secure channels for account information.

The Early Canadiana Online collection of rare books, magazines and government publications has over 80,000 titles (3,500,000 pages) and is growing. The collection includes material published from the time of the first European settlers to the first four decades of the 20th Century. You will find books written in 21 languages including French, English, 10 First Nations languages and several European languages, Latin and Greek.

Product development continues and new features will be announced as they are released.
Canadiana will continue to work with CRKN (Canadian Research Knowledge Network) to make sure that the new ECO satisfies users at each institution before decommissioning the old site. Feedback and suggestions really do help re-evaluate our efforts from the user's point of view and are welcome at info@canadiana.ca.

In the sort term, if you have bookmarked anything on ECO, you may encounter some insonsistencies. However, on June 1 2012, ECO will completel mapping and redirect each record on the old ECO to the corresponding page on the new site, meaning that bookmarks, hyperlinks and citations will continue to function unaffected.