FROM THE April 13 - April 17, 2009

FROM THE April 13 - April 17, 2009


– A –

Administrative Courts — New Zealand
Tribunal reform. Law Commission = Te Aka Matua o te Ture. Wellington, NZ: Law Commission, 2008.
KF 5417 N394 2008

Appellate Procedure — Canada
Côté, J.E. Well-run appeals. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Judicial Council, 2006.
KF 9058 ZA2 C68 2006

Arab-Israeli Conflict
Too little, too late: supervision by the Office of the State Attorney over the investigation of offenses committed by Israeli civilians against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. Michael Sfard editor. Tel Aviv: Yesh Din, volunteers for Human Rights, 2008.
JC 599 I68 T66 2008

Asylum, Right of — European Union Countries — Congresses
The emergence of a European asylum policy. Under the supervision of Constança Dias Urbano de Sousa and Philippe de Bruycker. Bruxelles: Bruyland, 2004.
KJE 5202 A8 E44 2004

Asylum, Right of — Latin America
El asilo y la protección internacional de los refugiados en América Latina: análisis crítico del dualismo “asilo-refugio” a la luz del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Coordinado por Leonardo Franco; edición al cuidado de María Laura Gianelli Dublanc [et al.]. 1st ed. Buenos Aires, República Argentina: Siglo Veintiuno Editores Argentina, 2003.
KG 567 A97 2003

– C –

Children — Legal Status, Laws, Etc. — United States — Outlines
Ramsey, Sarah H. Children and the law in a nutshell. 3rd ed. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West, 2008.
KF 479 Z9 R36 2008

Children’s Rights
100 years of child protection. Edited by Stan Meuwese, Sharon Detrick and Sjaak Jansen et al. Nijmegen, Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2007.
HQ 789 O54 2007

Civil Procedure — Canada
The civil litigator’s companion. Sheila Nemet-Brown, editor. Markham, ON: LexisNexis Canada, 2008.
KF 8840 ZA2 C584 2008

Civil Rights — Argentina
Derechos humanos, tribunales y policías en Argentina y Brasil. Sofía Tiscornia and María Victoria Pita, editors. 1st ed. Buenos Aires: Editorial Antropofagia Argentina, 2005.
KHA 3003 D47 2005

Civil Rights — Colombia
Bernal Pulido, Carlos. El derecho de los derechos. 1st ed. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2005 (2008 printing).
KHH 3003 B47 2005

Commercial Law — United States
Stone, Bradford. Uniform commercial code in a nutshell. 7th ed. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West, 2008.
KF 889.3 S76 2008

Constitutional Law — Argentina
Nino, Carlos Santiago. Fundamentos de derecho constitucional. Buenos Aires: Editorial Astrea de A. y R. Desalma, 1992 (2005 printing).
KHA 2921 N56 1992

Constitutional Law — Great Britain
Brazier, Rodney. Constitutional reform: reshaping the British political system. 3rd ed. Oxford; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2008.
KF 4486 B72 2008

Constitutional Law — Uruguay
Durán Martínez, Augusto. Estudios de derecho constitucional. Montevideo: Ingranusi, 1998.
KHU 2921 D87 1998

Constitutions — Venezuela
Brewer Carías, Allan-Randolph. La Constitución de 1999. Caracas: Editorial Arte, 2000.
KHW 2914 1999 B74 2000

Copyright and Electronic Data Processing
Schollin, Kristoffer. Digital rights management: the new copyright. Stockholm: Jure, 2008.
K 1447.95 S34 2008

Courts — Canada
Hausegger, Lori. Canadian courts: law, politics, and process. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press Canada, 2009.
KF 8700 ZA2 H38 2009

Crime — Europe — History — Congresses
Crime, law and popular culture in Europe, 1500-1900. Edited by Richard McMahon. Cullompton, Devon, UK; Portland, OR: Willan, 2008.
HV 6937 C78 2008

Crime — Paraguay
Security in Paraguay: analysis and responses in comparative perspective. James L. Cavallaro [et al.] editor. Cambridge, MA: International Human Rights Clinic, Human Rights Program, Harvard Law School; Asunción, Paraguay: published with the support of the Universidad Columbia del Paraguay, 2008.
HV 6918.5 S43 2008

– E –

Equality Before the Law — Colombia
Fajardo Sánchez, Luis Alfonso. Los invisibles y la lucha por el derecho en Colombia. Bogotá, D.C.: Universidad Santo Tomás, Facultad de Derecho, 2006.
KHH 3008 F35 2006

– H –

Homicide — Ireland
Consultation paper on homicide: the plea of provocation. The Law Reform Commission = An Coimisiún um Athchóiriú an Dlí. Dublin: Law Reform Commission, 2008.
KF 9305 I75 2003

Human Rights — Central America
Transición democrática y reforma constitucional en Centroamérica. 1st ed. San José, Costa Rica: Fundación del Servicio Exterior para la Paz y la Democracia (FUNPADEM), [2001].
JCC 599 C35 T73 2001

– I –

Inheritance and Succession — United States
Chester, Ronald. From here to eternity?: property and the dead hand. Lake Mary, FL: Vandeplas Pub., 2007.
KF 753 C44 2007

Intellectual Property — Great Britain
MacQueen, Hector L. Contemporary intellectual property: law and policy. Oxford; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2008.
KF 2979 M368 2008

Internet Service Providers — Law and Legislation — New Zealand
Bayer, Judit. Liability of internet service providers for third party content. [Wellington, NZ: Victoria University of Wellington, Faculty of Law, 2007].
KF 2765.65 B39 2007

Investments, Foreign (International Law)
Subedi, Surya P. International investment law: reconciling policy and principle. Oxford; Portland, OR: Hart Pub., 2008.
K 3830 S88 2008

– L –

Land Titles — Registration and Transfer — New Zealand
Review of the Land Transfer Act 1952: in conjunction with land information New Zealand. Law Commission = Te Aka Matu o te Ture. Wellington, NZ: Law Commission, 2008.
KF 665 N475 2008

– N –

Non-Governmental Organizations
Les organisations non gouvernementales et le droit international des droits de l’homme = International human rights law and non governmental organizations. G. Cohen-Jonathan and J.F. Flauss, editors. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2005.
K 3240 O74 2005

– P –

Parent and Child (Law) — Netherlands
Jeppesen de Boer, C.G. Joint parental authority: a comparative legal study on the continuation of joint parental authority after divorce and the breakup of a relationship in Dutch and Danish law and the CEFL principles. Antwerpen; Portland, OR: Intersentia, 2008.
KJC 1189 J46 2008

Performing Arts — Law and Legislation — United States
Burr, Sherri. Entertainment law in a nutshell. 2nd ed. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West, 2007.
KF 4290 Z9 B87 2007

Political Crimes and Offenses
Controlling state crime. Jeffrey Ian Ross, editor. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction, 2000.
HV 6273 C66 2000

Power of Attorney — Australia — Queensland
Shaping Queensland’s guardianship legislation: principles and capacity: discussion paper. Queensland Law Reform Commission. Brisbane: Law Reform Commission, 2008.
KF 1347 Q44 2008

Procedure (Law) — Great Britain
Ward, Richard. Walker & Walker’s English legal system. 10th ed. Oxford; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2008.
KF 388 W24 2008

– R –

Restraint of Trade — Great Britain
Whish, Richard. Competition law. 6th ed. Oxford; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2009.
K 3856 W55 2009

– T –

Trusts and Trustees — Ireland
Trust law: general proposals. The Law Reform Commission = An Coimisiún um Athchóiriú an Dli. Dublin: Law Reform Commission, 2008.
KF 730 I7384 2008

– W –

Water — Law and Legislation — Europe
Rijswick, H.F.M.W. van. Moving water and the law: on the distribution of water rights and water duties within river basins in European and Dutch water law. Groningen: Europe Law Publishing, 2008.
KJC 6094 R55 2008

Women — Legal Status, Laws, Etc. — Botswana
Chasing the mirage: women and the administration of justice. Edited by Janet Hermans. Gaborone, Botswana: WLSA Botswana, 1999.
KF 487 C46 1999