Legal Research Refresher Session

Legal Research Refresher Session

The Law Library is offering a legal research refresher session on May 9. While the session is geared primarily to Research Assistants, graduate students and graduating 3rd year students who want to improve their research skills are also welcome to attend, space
permitting. The workshop will cover the following areas:

  • Finding primary and secondary sources
  • Legal citation
  • Research management tools such as Refworks and Zotero
  • A Westlaw refresher session conducted by a trainer from Carswell

Date: Thursday, May 9
Time: 9:00 am-12:45 pm
Location: Room 2010

Refreshments will be served and a light lunch will be provided by Carswell.

To reserve a spot, send an email message to with Research Refresher Session in the subject line. Please indicate if you are a research Assistant, a graduate students or a 3rd year graduating student.

Hope to see you there!