New HeinOnline Library: Religion and the Law

New HeinOnline Library: Religion and the Law

heinonline_logo The Osgoode Library now subscribes to the new library in HeinOnline: Religion and the Law. Consisting of more than 1,200 titles and 600,000 pages that include books, periodicals, and bibliographies, this collection provides a research platform for the development, history, organization, and fundamental principles of various world religions. The collection also includes the Christian Legal Society publications, an assortment of Canon Law, and rare historical bibles. This collection will grow considerably as additional new material is added in the future.

Currently, this new collection features works on:

  • Canon Law
  • History of the Church & State
  • Religion & Freedom
  • Jewish Law
  • Reformation Period
  • Early Constitutions of the Church
  • Religion & Politics
  • The Bible in Public Schools
  • And More!

Like other specialist topical libraries on HeinOnline, the Library includes scholarly articles assembled from HeinOnline’s extensive holdings of law journals, as well as digitzed scholarly texts and a custom bibliography. For more information about the library, click here.