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Book News

News and developments in legal publishing relevant to Osgoode Library

The Economic Structure of International Law

The Economic Structure of International Law

The Economic Structure of International Law, by Tuft's University professor on international law Joel P. Trachtman, "presents a rationalist analysis of the structure of international law ... At the core of the book lies the question of the allocation of legal power to states." Anne-Marie Slaughter, Dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs, […]

'Future of Reputation' Now Available Online

'Future of Reputation' Now Available Online

Daniel J. Solove's book The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet, published in 2007 by Yale University Press, is now available online under a Creative Commons license. "This book will take a journey through the ways in which private lives are being exposed online, and it will examine the implications. People […]