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Electronic Resources

News and updates about electronic resources at Osgoode Library

Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, v. 52, no. 3 Now Available

Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, v. 52, no. 3 Now Available

The latest issue of the Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice/La Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale is now available online. Volume 52, Number 3 / June 2010 includes the following articles: Bridging Divides in Canadian Criminology: Some Thoughts on a Possible Future / Laura Huey, Paul-Philippe Paré Rethinking Criminology(ies) through the […]

Internet Archive (Re)Launches Open Library

Internet Archive (Re)Launches Open Library

The Internet Archive has recently launched there redesigned Open Library. The Open Library now makes over one million books available to all and in a new format that is designed to support the "print disabled ... those who are blind, dyslexic or are otherwise visually impaired." "The print disabled collection of books are now available […]

New From HeinOnline: World Constitutions Illustrated

New From HeinOnline: World Constitutions Illustrated

HeinOnline has recently launched a new library World Constitutions Illustrated: Contemporary & Historical Documents & Resources. "This library enables legal scholars to research the constitutional and political development of every country in the world. It includes the current constitution for every country in its original language format and an English translation, as well as substantial […]

The Legal Blawg Archive

The Legal Blawg Archive

The Law Library of Congress has been archiving legal blogs, or 'blawgs' since the beginning of March 2007. And as recently noted by Dan Cohen on Twitter this has become an 'impressive' resource. It's been a year or so since the Legal Blawg Archive was first released to the public collecting "unique, born digital content" […]

Oxford Scholarship Online: Electronic Books for Law

Oxford Scholarship Online: Electronic Books for Law

The individual titles that are included in this collection of Oxford University Press electronic books have been added to the Library's catalogue. We've had access to this collection of electronic books for about a year now but catalogue records were not available until recently. Here are a few examples: Punishment and Freedom (2009) / Alan […]

International Relations and Security Network (ISN)

International Relations and Security Network (ISN)

The International Relations and Security Network (ISN) is an open access information service established in 1994 as an online project of the Center for Security Studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The mission of the ISN is to "promote greater knowledge sharing, learning and collaboration" and they work with "the world’s leading think […]

Texts Added to Quicklaw Databases

Texts Added to Quicklaw Databases

With the Febrary 2010 content release, the following titles - all published by LexisNexis Canada - have been added to the Quicklaw databases. As of February 7, they will also be available on the LexisNexis Academic service. As you can see from the list, a broad selection of classic titles is included, from texts (McGuiness […]

Quebec Online Statutes Now Have Official Status

Quebec Online Statutes Now Have Official Status

Among the most important pieces of legislation that came into force on January 1 is a Quebec statute, an Act respecting the Compilation of Quebec Laws and Regulations, SQ 2009, c. 40 (version française: LQ 2009, c. 40). Pursuant to this Act, all consolidated statutes published by the Quebec Official Publisher (Editeur officiel du Québec) have official […]

WestlawCanada "OnePass" Signon Now Required

WestlawCanada "OnePass" Signon Now Required

Beginning this semester, the OnePass system for access to WestlawCanada is now in the second phase of implementation. All second and third year students, grad students and all faculty will be required to create or update their Username and Password to fully access WestlawCanada and TWEN (The West Education Network). The WestlawCanada law school site (www.westlawcanada/lawschool) […]