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Electronic Resources

News and updates about electronic resources at Osgoode Library

Journal of Open Access to Law

Journal of Open Access to Law

An exciting new initiative in open access to law debuted today with the publication of the first issue of the Journal of Open Access to Law.  A peer-reviewed academic journal, the journal is pretty much as advertised in the title, as its ambit "is to promote international research on the topic of open access to law" […]

Exams already?!

Exams already?!

It's that time of year when the nights get longer, the air gets colder, snow falls, and the holiday spirit descends upon Toronto... and law students can't enjoy any of it due to the end-of-term frenzy of caffeine, summaries, studying, and writing papers and, finally, exams. Last year I wrote a post trying to mitigate the […]

New HeinOnline Resources Added to Library Catalogue

New HeinOnline Resources Added to Library Catalogue

Approximately 5,000 new resources available via HeinOnline have been loaded to the library catalogue as follows: HeinOnline Core Collection 325 new titles American Indian Law Collection 12 new titles Foreign Relations of the U.S. 12 new titles History of International Law 88 new titles Intellectual Property Law Collection 44 new titles Law Journal Library 81 […]

Senate Reform Déjà Vu

Senate Reform Déjà Vu

While much of the world's attention on Canadian politics has been focused on the bizarre scenes that have been unfolding in Toronto, the Senate scandal that dominated headlines prior to the Mayor's crack admission has continued apace. Much as in Toronto, the scandal has elicited popular hue and cry for something - anything! - by […]

New Irwin Law eBooks

New Irwin Law eBooks

35 new Irwin Law eBooks have been loaded to the library catalogue. This brings the total available titles in this collection to 177 including the recently in demand 5th edition of Kent Roach's Criminal Law. It is important to note that because catalogue records are not sent to the library at the same time new […]

Shooting fish in a barrel, pt. 2

Shooting fish in a barrel, pt. 2

Lo, those many months ago, before newspapers were reduced to printing articles about explaining crack to their children, Rob Ford, the Mayor of Toronto, was embroiled in what now seems to be a quaint conflict of interest issue. An Off the Shelf post, entitled "Shooting Fish in a Barrel" was written, and that was seemingly […]

Recent International Law Acquisitions

Recent International Law Acquisitions

The library has been busy lately augmenting its International Law collection. The London Review of International Law is a brand new journal from Oxford (Volume 1 Issue 1 was published September 2013) to which we now have access.  It is not available through the catalogue or eResources yet, but it will be. We have also […]

Sports injuries in the spotlight

Sports injuries in the spotlight

Every first-year law student is taught the thin-skull principle, wherein the tortfeasor finds the victim as they find them, even if they have a pre-existing condition. I've been thinking about this over the past few weeks as I've been laid up at home recovering from a concussion and making the slow return to "normal" day-to-day […]

What Happened to CanLII?

What Happened to CanLII?

On September 19, CanLII introduced its new user interface. Don’t be startled by the new homepage: you can either use the “everything” search box that initially appears for doing a keyword, citation, case name or statute name search, or you can click on the “+” to the left of that box to give yourself the […]

InterAm Database Relaunches as NatLaw World

InterAm Database Relaunches as NatLaw World

Just a quick note to let you know that the new NatLaw World database has replaced the InterAm database of the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade. NatLaw World contains the same information as InterAm with some additional user-friendly features and enhanced search capabilities. NatLaw World is a one of a kind legal on-line database […]