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From Stephen Spong

Blog posts from former reference librarian Stephen Spong



Although I'm certain that the holidays were, for many, a chance to clear your minds and unwind (and for those of you at Law Games, I won't tell your mothers), but it only took a cursory look at the newspapers to be faced with the unavoidable spectre of the so-called "fiscal cliff" south of the […]

We're #1, we're #1!!

We're #1, we're #1!!

As a final flourish to what has been an outstanding 2012, we have awakened from our holiday slumber to toot our own horn a little bit - as the freshly minted winners of a 2012 Clawbie for Best Law Library Blog! You can read the full list of winners here, but here's what they had […]

It's that time of year...

It's that time of year...

It's that time of year when you can't possibly imagine another summary, another all-nighter, another minute of the at-times-crushing weight of expectation that accompanies the exam period. While it's probably the absolute last thing you want to hear (and have probably heard it a million times already anyway), as somebody who has done it relatively […]

Law and Order: Overthought

Law and Order: Overthought

I'm sure that pretty much all denizens of law schools have, at some point watched at least one episode of Law and Order (or its many, many spin-offs) and, in all likelihood, groaned at some point. While it's undeniably entertaining, it is also frequently larded with clichés, improbabilities, bad law, and an overly Manichean outlook. After twenty years and […]

Food and the Law

Food and the Law

As a law librarian who also really, really likes to cook, I am always interested when issues regarding food and the law crop up. There has obviously been a surge of awareness, advocacy, and engagement with these issues over the past decade or so, with a host of media attention lavished upon previously unheralded issues […]

A new take on book "vendors"

A new take on book "vendors"

As librarians, part of our day-to-day responsibilities involve dealing with vendors who provide resources to us, the library, to pass along to you, the patrons. This is a big business, as anybody who has ever been to a major library conference and seen the impressive displays and salesmanship on offer. This all highlights the impressively […]

Westlaw Litigator

Westlaw Litigator

As you may or may not have heard, we are pleased to have added Westlaw's newest tool - Westlaw Litigator. Litigator is an impressive and powerful platform that covers the field in terms of litigation - from forms to research tools for all areas. While you are always free to muddle through Litigator on your […]

Presidential Libraries

Presidential Libraries

Given that the American presidency has been nigh-on-inescapable since the summer in the lead-up to today's election, it seems only fitting to do a post about one of the most visible post-presidency legacies - the Presidential Library. Although Thomas Jefferson's library formed the basis for the Library of Congress, the idea of the Presidential Library is […]

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

While you're all undoubtedly burying your noses in reading and writing, don't forget that it's Halloween! Although (I hope!) you've all stopped trick-or-treating long ago, stop by the circulation desk for a treat. No costumes necessary. For a quick seasonal laugh, enjoy the classic clip below from one of the best Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes. […]