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Library News

High Noon at York?

High Noon at York?

For those of you who are interested in copyright and intellectual property (and I know that there are a lot of you), you will doubtless be familiar with the recent battles surrounding the shifting landscape of Canadian copyright law between Access Copyright and pretty much everybody else. For those of you unfamiliar with the drama […]

New Online Services guide

New Online Services guide

Check out our new Online Services guide.  You can find it under Topical on the Research Guides page. This guide links you to everything  you need  to know about Quicklaw, Westlaw Canada, Taxnet Pro and CCH Online. Find out how to register, how to find training, tutorials and reference materials, how to reach Customer Service […]

The Face of the Ghetto: A Photography Exhibit in the Osgoode Library, February 24-March 17, 2013

The Face of the Ghetto: A Photography Exhibit in the Osgoode Library, February 24-March 17, 2013

THE FACE OF THE GHETTO Pictures Taken by Jewish Photographers in the Lodz Ghetto, 1940-1944 An Exhibition at the Osgoode Hall Law School Library Ignat Kaneff Building, York University February 24 through March 17, 2013 During World War II, the Nazis established the second largest ghetto for Jews in the occupied Polish city of Lodz […]

Upcoming Zotero webinars

Upcoming Zotero webinars

Although I am currently in the midst of introducing first-year Legal Process students to the wonders of Zotero, for those of you who want a bit more information (or know nothing about it), York Libraries is offering free webinars for Zotero tomorrow (January 31st) and Monday (February 4th). The info about the webinars (and Zotero […]



Although I'm certain that the holidays were, for many, a chance to clear your minds and unwind (and for those of you at Law Games, I won't tell your mothers), but it only took a cursory look at the newspapers to be faced with the unavoidable spectre of the so-called "fiscal cliff" south of the […]

We're #1, we're #1!!

We're #1, we're #1!!

As a final flourish to what has been an outstanding 2012, we have awakened from our holiday slumber to toot our own horn a little bit - as the freshly minted winners of a 2012 Clawbie for Best Law Library Blog! You can read the full list of winners here, but here's what they had […]

Westlaw Litigator

Westlaw Litigator

As you may or may not have heard, we are pleased to have added Westlaw's newest tool - Westlaw Litigator. Litigator is an impressive and powerful platform that covers the field in terms of litigation - from forms to research tools for all areas. While you are always free to muddle through Litigator on your […]

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

While you're all undoubtedly burying your noses in reading and writing, don't forget that it's Halloween! Although (I hope!) you've all stopped trick-or-treating long ago, stop by the circulation desk for a treat. No costumes necessary. For a quick seasonal laugh, enjoy the classic clip below from one of the best Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes. […]

Legal Fiction and DVDs

Legal Fiction and DVDs

As the leaves fall and winter inexorably marches forward, reading dry legal text after dry legal text can start to weigh heavily. Rather than resorting to yet another round of "Angry Birds" or trawling TMZ, you might want to take the time to check out the Osgoode Library's Legal Fiction and DVD collections. Bonus: Because […]

New eResource: HeinOnline's American Indian Law Collection

New eResource: HeinOnline's American Indian Law Collection

We now have access to the the American Indian Law Collection on HeinOnline.Since the American Revolution, American Indian law has evolved into a complex web of treaties, federal statutes and regulations, federal case law, tribal codes, constitutions, and jurisprudence. This collection contains an expansive selection of titles unique to American Indian law with over 800 […]