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Rare Books

News, features, and developments from Osgoode Library's John R. Cartwright Rare Book Room and the Balfour Halévy Special Collections

The Book, Aesthetically Speaking

The Latest Special Collections Exhibit A new exhibit called The Book, Aesthetically Speaking showcases rare books from the library's special collections. The exhibit explores book printing, binding, and decoration techniques from the 16th to 21st century and can be found on the lower level of the library. It was curated by Beck Schaefer, the Law […]

Update! First year JD rare book room tour

First year JD students are invited to come to the library for a tour of the rare book room. Learn about what the library and the rare book room has to offer! The tour will take place on Monday September 9th. One tour will take place at 1:30pm. The other will take place at 2pm. […]

First Year JD. rare book room tour

First year JD students are invited to come to the library for a tour of the rare book room. The tour will take place on Tuesday August 27th. One tour will take place at 2:45pm. The other will take place at 3pm. Each tour will have a maximum of 20 students each. Sign up for […]

An Important Association Copy: George-Étienne Cartier and Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine

The Osgoode Library’s Canada Law Book Rare Book Room contains many treasures illustrative of Canadian law and history. One of my favourites is a small book, not of great value in its own right, but valuable both because of its association with two great of Canadians and because of the insight it gives us into […]

When True Crime Meets Crime Fiction: A Bibliographical Mystery

The Osgoode Library recently acquired for its Trials special collection in the Canada Law Book Rare Room copies of the following publication: Life and Confession of Sophia Hamilton Who Was Tried, Condemned and Sentenced to be Hung at [name of city] for the Perpetration of the Most Shocking Murders and Daring Robberies Perhaps Recorded in […]

Gentoo Laws (1776) and the Imperial Project

“Honourable Sirs, I have now the Satisfaction to transmit to you a complete and corrected Copy of a Translation of the Gentoo Code, executed with great Ability, Diligence, and Fidelity, by Mr. Halhed, from a Persian Version of the original Shanscrit, which was undertaken under the immediate Inspection of the Pundits or Compilers of this […]

Canadian Provincial Statutes Now Available on HeinOnline

A comprehensive collection of Canadian provincial statutes in digital format is now available in the new Provincial Statutes of Canada library on HeinOnline. The collection includes statutes, both public and private, for all ten Canadian provinces (though not – yet? – the three territories) in PDF copies of the official statute volumes as published by […]

Election Special 2015 – X Marks the Spot, or, Ballot Dos and Don’ts

Our federal election is swiftly approaching, and all signs point to a close race. We sometimes become disillusioned about the worth of each individual vote, but a tight three-way contest will demonstrate the importance of every ballot. I don’t say ballot to metonymically refer only to each individual’s participation in the election process, but literally each […]

A Brush with History: Where were you when Louis Riel was tried?

Deeds are not accomplished in a few days, or in a few hours. A century is only a spoke in the wheel of everlasting time - Louis Riel Two years ago, on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, news agencies across the continent were in a flurry publishing memorial articles entitled, […]

A Canadian Pirate, and Other Notable Trials

We at the library would like to offer heartfelt congratulations to Osgoode’s Class of ’55, who recently celebrated their 60th Anniversary reunion! Helmed by Mr Morley Wolfe, the Class of ’55 took this occasion to offer the library a sum collected at their get-together, to be dedicated to collection development. This donation allowed the library to […]