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Digital Technology Innovation in Scholarly Communication and University Engagement

Digital Technology Innovation in Scholarly Communication and University Engagement Authors: Rowland Lorimer (Simon Fraser University) Johanne Provençal (Simon Fraser University) Brian Owen (Simon Fraser University) Rea Devakos (University of Toronto) David Phipps (York University) Richard Smith (Simon Fraser University) "The Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing (CCSP) has issued “Digital Technology Innovation in Scholarly Communication […]

Digitization of Publications Relating to the Parliament of Canada

This report describes the digitization efforts of the Library of Parliamentary and was recently posted to their web site and blogged about yesterday by "Library Boy" (aka Michel-Adrien Sheppard, Supreme Court Reference Librarian). "The goal [of the working paper] is to help inform the development of a coherent strategy amongst the various stakeholders to digitize, […]