Directed Reading Course
Osgoode Students working as Caseworkers will be enrolled in the Fall/Winter-term OVC Directed Reading course, which builds upon the OVC’s clinical work. In-class work will involve readings on law, policy, and ethical issues for technology start-ups, ventures, and social enterprises, including issues in entity structure, intellectual property, employment, and ethics/professional responsibility. The Directed Reading course is worth 4 credits and satisfies the Praxicum requirement. Your clinical OVC work will be evaluated as 50% of your mark, with the other 50% based on your class participation and final essay.
The Directed Reading course will be taught by Geoffrey Cher, Partner, Wildeboer Dellelce LLP.

Training and Supervision
Throughout the fall and winter terms, Wildeboer Dellelce LLP will host an orientation meeting and a number of training sessions on fundamental aspects of corporate and commercial law, which will occur during the Directed Reading class time. The orientation and training sessions will be held online by Wildeboer Dellelce. Students will develop an understanding of the venture capital, equity structuring, early-stage investment and entrepreneurial landscape, as well as the perspectives of stakeholders (i.e. entrepreneurs, investors, advisors etc.) who play an integral role in the formation and capital raising activities of start-up entities.
Available Positions
Student Caseworkers
Caseworkers will work directly with OVC clients under the supervision of lawyers from Wildeboer Dellelce LLP advising on legal tasks such as incorporations, corporate structuring/restructuring, drafting agreements, development of financing strategies, and various other tasks associated with early-stage business ventures. Students will gain experience in drafting a retainer agreement and scope of work, client communication, client consultations, drafting legal agreements, corporate finance, employment matters, technology, and operational matters.
Qualifications: Pre-requisites/co-requisites: Business Associations; Securities Regulation. At least one pre-requisite/co-requisite course must be taken during the fall semester, with the other during the winter term.
Consideration: Directed Reading: Osgoode Venture Capital Program [4-credit F-W course]
Term: September – April
Student Recruitment Coordinators
Client Recruitment Coordinators conduct outreach and meet with business incubators to promote the OVC and assist with the client recruitment process in preparation for the start of the clinic in September. One member of the Client Recruitment Team will be selected as the Team Lead. This is a volunteer position eligible for OPIR hours.
Qualifications: Interest in entrepreneurship | Excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills | Interest in business development/client recruitment aspects of legal practice
Consideration: OPIR hours / Time requirement: 3-5 hours per week
Term: June – August
Please note that client recruitment duties can be completed in conjunction with other paid/volunteer summer positions.

Student Selection Process
The student selection process takes place every spring.
The Office of Experiential Education will send out an email to all students when applications open.