Deadlines, etc.
Whether you are applying for the OBW Exchange Program, the Summer Research Program, or the International Lake Constance Summer School, your application must be submitted to the International Office of your home university in Ontario. Please note that each International Office sets own university-specific application deadlines. You should check your university’s website for those dates.
You must also check what further application materials may be required by your home university’s International Office.
That office will then decide which applicants it wishes to nominate for participation in the specific program in question. Those applications will then be forwarded to the OBW Program Office in Toronto, which will determine the final list of participants. The OBW Office cannot accept applications directly from students.
There is no application or placement fee payable to the OBW program, but it is usual for each Ontario university to assess application and/or placement fees for students participating in exchange and study/research-abroad programs.
Start Early!
Each of the three OBW programs has its own specific OBW application form, and the requirements for supporting documentation are different for each program. Please make sure that your application uses the correct form(s) and includes all the required additional material. We require a transcript, and, depending on which program you are applying to, you may need to arrange for a letter of recommendation from a professor, so we recommend that you start early on the process. For the Exchange and Summer Research Program you will need also to do some careful research on the Baden-Württemberg universities in order to write a convincing application.
OBW Exchange Program
OBW Summer Research Program
OBW Lake Constance Summer School