Haynes Avenue & The Pond Road Lot Permits Update:
Permits will be available for purchase online starting on July 15. Please click here for more information.
Daily rates vary by lot. Please see below for pricing and restrictions.
**Parking rates subject to change without notice, for scheduled campus and/or external events**
The Daily Multi-Pack is a flexible prepaid pass available through the HONK Mobile App that provides 10 full-day parking sessions usable within a 30-day period, starting the first day it's purchased. Depending on the pass and the number of times it is used during the month, the Multi-Pack provides savings of up to 40% off daily rates. Two packs are available:
**Select the Long Term Parking option to purchase Multi-Pack Parking**
• The Surface Lot Multi-Pack (HONK Zone ID 7730) is valid at all hourly/daily surface lots and on-street parking areas
• The Garage Multi-Pack (HONK Zone ID 7729) is valid at the parking garages and includes all other hourly/daily surface lots and on-street parking areas.
- Park in the location(s) designated by your MultiPack
- Open the HonkMobile App - your active MultiPack will be displayed on the front page under "Active Sessions"
- Select your current MultiPack and select "redeem a pass" - your passes remaining will be displayed at the top of this screen
- Select MultiPack Redemption rate ($0.00)
- Adjust your vehicle plate if necessary and select "park for free"
- Confirm your license plate and session details
- Get on with your day!
*If you have inputted the wrong license plate, you have up to 10 minutes from redeeming a pass to change the vehicle attached to the parking session. You can change the license plate on the session complete page.
You can view all your redeemed sessions, as well as all remaining sessions, by going to the Sessions Tab in your account.
Parking Services does not offer refunds or extensions on unused portions of Multi-Packs.
Surface & on-street parking
HONK Zone ID 7730
10-use multipack
Garage parking
HONK Zone ID 7729
10-use multipack
Garage Parking
HONK Zone ID 7726
Cost (maximum): $2.50/half-hour ($20.00 max)
Weekday Evenings: $2.50/half-hour ($8.00 max after 6:00 p.m.)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
HONK Zone ID 7728
Cost (maximum): $2.50/half-hour ($20.00 max)
Weekday Evenings: $2.50/half-hour ($8.00 max after 6:00 p.m.)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
HONK Zone ID 7727
Cost (maximum): $2.50/half-hour ($20.00 max)
Weekday Evenings: $2.50/half-hour ($8.00 max after 6:00 p.m.)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Surface Lots
Street Parking
HONK Zone ID 7701
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
HONK Zone ID 7703
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
HONK Zone ID 7705
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($10.00 max)
Saturday: $5.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Multi day parking is available at this location.
HONK Zone ID 7707
Lot 74 (visitor section only)
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
HONK Zone ID 7711
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Multi day parking is available at this location.
HONK Zone ID 7709
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($10.00 max)
Saturday: $5.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Multi day parking is available.
HONK Zone ID 7710
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($10.00 max)
Saturday: $5.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Multi day parking is available.
HONK Zone ID 7708
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($10.00 max)
Saturday: $5.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Visitor parking is available after 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, and 24 hours on the weekend.
HONK Zone ID 7713
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
HONK Zone ID 7718
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Multi day parking is available at this location.
HONK Zone ID 7718
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
HONK Zone ID 7720
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
HONK Zone ID 7733
Visitor section only.
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
HONK Zone ID 7700
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Multi day parking is available at this location. Snow Route in effect annually from November 15-March 30.
HONK Zone ID 7702
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Snow Route in effect annually from November 15-March 30.
HONK Zone ID 7704
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Snow Route in effect annually from November 15-March 30.
HONK Zone ID 7712
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Snow Route in effect annually from November 15-March 30.
HONK Zone ID 7714
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Multi day parking is available at Visitor Lot and on street. Snow Route in effect annually from November 15-March 30.
HONK Zone ID 7716
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Snow Route in effect annually from November 15-March 30.
HONK Zone ID 7719
Cost (maximum): $1.75/half-hour ($15.00 max)
Saturday: $7.00 flat
Sunday: $5.00 flat
Snow Route in effect annually from November 15-March 30.
Parking permits are available to all community members on a first come, first served basis. Parking Services encourages early purchases for the availability of space and to avoid line ups. Although multiple vehicles can be registered to a permit, only ONE vehicle per permit is authorized to park in the assigned permit lot, at any given time.
If you would like to place your name on the waiting list for the Keele Campus, e-mail parking@yorku.ca with your name, address, phone number and lot choice.
There are a limited number of Reserved & Garage spaces that can be purchased by community members for the summer months only, but are not renewable for the academic year. For availability please contact Parking Services.
The following categories of permit lots are available based on location and rates. Find parking permit rates here.
Outer reserved parking lots
York Blvd Lot - Lot 70 | Shoreham Dr. Lot - 63 | Physical Resources North Lot - 85 |
Albany Rd Lot - Lot 67 | Passy Cres Lot - Lot 91 *** | Kinsmen Lot - 87 |
Founders Rd E Lot - Lot 66 | Pond Rd Lot - Lot 86 | Chimneystack Rd Lot - Lot 97 |
Founders Rd W Lot - Lot 65 | Physical Resources East Lot - 68 | Haynes Ave. - Lot 88 |
Northwest Gate Lot - 64 ** |
** Northwest Gate Lot - This is a mixed usage lot which converts to an hourly/daily pay lot weekday evenings after 4:30 p.m. and 24 hours on weekends to accommodate activities and events on campus.
*** Passy Crescent Lot - Changes to permit holder requirements in this lot will take effect September 2024. Further details will be shared with the community on our website and with individual permit holders in the upcoming months. Due to these changes, permit sales for this lot will only be available from May-August.
Reserved parking lots
Lumbers Lot - Lot 74 | Nelson Rd Lot - Lot 82 | WOB Lot - Lot 78 |
Parking garages
Arboretum Lane Parking Garage - Lot 80 | Student Services Parking Garage - Lot 84 | York Lanes Parking Garage - Lot 72 |
Parking rates are listed by category on the application forms. All Parking rates are subject to applicable taxes.
- Applicants must ensure all license plate information is accurately recorded. Errors may result in a City of Toronto parking violation.
- All persons using university parking facilities will be subject to the parameters set out in the applicable University Policies & Procedures, the Student Code of Conduct, and the Parking & Traffic Regulations at York University.
Parking permits cannot be issued to persons or vehicles with outstanding citations/York notices. For information about outstanding citations/York notices, please call (416) 736-5335 for Keele campus and ask to speak with a violations officer.
Acceptable payment methods available to purchase your permit in person are: VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Debit. All applications can be processed online, by mail or fax. To apply by mail or fax, send your completed application, and valid credit card information to Parking Services.
Payroll deductions
York University
Payroll Deduction is a payment option that is available to all full-time permanent staff or faculty members. All applicants for continuous permits must complete an application form and provide a valid vehicle ownership for all vehicles registered.
To cancel your Continuous parking permit, an email request must be sent to kpermref@yorku.ca for Keele Campus by the third (3rd) business day of the current month, in order to avoid being charged for that month.
All continuous permit holders are required to inform Parking Services of any changes in the information provided in their original application. Permit holders are required to provide supporting documents of such changes.
For approved Seneca@York full-time faculty and staff, who wish to pay through payroll deductions, please click here for the application.
Permit refunds
All requests for permit refunds, should be made directly to Parking & Transportation Services. A $15.00 administrative fee will be applied to all permit refunds. To obtain a refund for pre-paid, unused parking fees, an email request must be sent to kpermref@yorku.ca for Keele Campus by the third business day of the current month. To avoid delays in processing time, please include your full name, York ID number, current phone number and reason for the refund. Parking Services will contact you to finalize the refund.
FINAL REFUND REQUEST DATES: Refund request received after November 15 (fall term) and March 21 (winter/yearly term) will not qualify and no refund will be issued - NO EXCEPTIONS. Certain conditions apply to all refunds.
Parking permits will be cancelled and deemed invalid effective immediately upon the date the refund request is received by Parking Services.
Privacy Policy: Personal information in connection with this form is collected under the authority of The York University Act, 1965 and will be used for the administration of parking services and other related or consistent purposes. The Personal Information we collect from you may also be processed, accessed, or stored in countries outside Canada. Such countries may offer a different level of protection of personal information. If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of personal information by York University, please contact: Director – Parking & Transportation Services, Room 222 William Small Centre, (416) 736-5335.
University Accessibility parking inventory meets the current Ontario Provincial Standard. Accessibility parking is available on a first come first serve basis. All vehicles which are parked in a Accessibility parking space must display the Ontario Accessibility Parking Placard issued for the said person, and a valid parking permit, or daily parking pass/stub issued by York University Parking Services.
If you would like further information about obtaining an Accessibility parking permit, please contact Parking Services for Keele Campus at (416) 736-5335 or parking@yorku.ca
Accessibility Permit parking spaces are located in the core of the campus, as well as the following permit parking lots:
Albany Rd. Lot (67) | Haynes Avenue Lot (88) | Kinsmen Lot (87) |
Lumbers Lot (73) | Nelson Road Lot (82) | Northwest Gate Lot (64) |
Passy Cres. Lot (91) | Physical Resources Lot N/S (85 & 89) | Pond Road Lot (86) |
West Office Building Lot (78) | York Blvd. Lot (70) | 190 Albany Lot |
Arboretum Lane Parking Garage (80) | Atkinson Lot (83) | Calumet Lot (107) |
Founders Road East Visitor Lot (66) | Lumbers Lot (73) | Nelson Road Visitor Lot (82) |
Northwest Gate Visitor Lot (105&106) | Physical Resources Lot S (89) | Student Service Parking Garage (84) |
Thompson Road Lot (79&77) | Vanier Lot (71) | York Lanes Parking Garage (72) |
Roadway Parking
320, 340, 360 & 380 Assiniboine Rd. | Arboretum Lane by Stong College | Atkinson Rd. |
Bethune Circle | Fine Arts Rd. by Accolade East | Fine Arts Rd. by Schulich |
McLaughlin Rd. | Ottawa Rd. | Passy Crescent |
Seneca Lane | Sherman Health Sciences Bldg | Winters/Vanier Lot |
University Street |