Supplementary Resources

"You are cruising along, and then technology changes. You have to adapt." Marc Andreessen

Information Technologies

This course introduces basic conepts of contemporary information technologies (computers, networks, telecommunications) used to process and store information in organizations. The material discussed will include both the fundamental principles of computers and major changes discernible in the rapidly evolving area of information systems and information technology.


  • Identify and describe the role of essential archittectureal components of a computer system.
  • Identify and describe the rolw of representation of multimedia data in the computer.
  • Identify and describe how components of the computer collaborate to execute instructions.
  • Identify and describe the basics of computer networking.
  • Strengthen critical skills including general problem solving and logical thinking through the use of computer tools.


This course begins with the recognition that the contemporary conception and use of the computer is no longer limited to stand-alone individual units but that of connected systems finding uses in coutless ways. At the same time, we recognize that there also remains much that is unchanged i terms of underlying principles essential for a comprehensisve understanding of computer systems. The understanding of computer architecture eqwuips students to navigate the pervading tehcnological change with confidence as they occur. This course will encourage students to acquire a comprehensive vacabulary of technical and technological terms for conversing and considering related issues clearly and coherently and foster substantial knowledge about the workings of the hardware, software and data combination in networking environments.

Basic Web publishing: HTML concepts and coding techniques will be applied to producing assignments uploaded/published as Web page presentations on the York student Web server.

Grades Breakdown:

  • Assignments 30% (3 @10% each)
  • Midterm Examination 30% (In-class)
  • Final Examination 40% (Exam Period)

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