Class Protocols

Academic honesty:

  • Academic Integrity Tutorial results required. Results upload due by the end of Week 3.


  • Deadlines are firm; no late submissions..


  • All course participants must use the valid York University E-mail accounts via Moodle Messages.
  • email accounts may not be used in this course - Be sure that your Moodle profile is appropriately set.
  • All participants are also required to activate the York University student "Web Page" account (not to be confused with WebCT) , via Manage My Services (

Attending classes:

  • All participants are individually responsible and accountable for staying current with all material covered in classes and updates, announcements and communication forum threads disseminated online.

Medical certificates:

  • Only York University's Attending Physician's Statement Form is accepted as valid medical documentation.

Accommodations for students with special needs:

  • Students with York approved accommodations must communicate with the Instructor and provide support documentation. Scanned document attached to an email message is acceptable.

Courtesy in classroom and class forums:

  • Everyone is expected to conduct themselves with decorum and respect for all participants.