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President’s Ambassador Program

Applications for the 2024-2025 term are now closed.

As long as you have the passion and drive to want to do something to improve the student community, you will make an impact as a President’s Ambassador and you will have everything you need to be an effective student leader."

— Emma Verrilli, President's Ambassador

Designed to provide York students with a unique perspective on the University community, the President’s Ambassador Program offers opportunities for current undergraduate and graduate students to serve as representatives of the University and to share their experiences as York students with fellow students, staff, faculty, and alumni. Learn about the engaged student leaders who make up the current and past cohorts of the President's Ambassador Program.

This year, the program is working with different departments across campus as well as incorporating virtual, in-person and hybrid eventsand a legacy project. This three-pillar approach will give students an opportunity to engage in leadership opportunities outside of the classroom. It also gives departments the opportunity to work with a group of active, engaged students, for feedback, student perspectiveand more.

Responsibilities of a President's Ambassador include:

  • Attend a training session
  • Participate in one Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion training 
  • Participate in one Career Education & Development training
  • Collaborate with campus partners
  • Attend three events per semester and complete post-event surveys 
  • Participate in the completion of a legacy project
  • Participate in one Sustainability training or event
  • Attend two meetings with the President 
  • Attend one meeting with a member of Senior Administration
  • Attend two general ambassador meetings per term
  • Complete a final reflection and program survey


  • Current undergraduate or graduate student at York University engaged in student life, academics, or other opportunities at York University 
  • Willingness to showcase and represent York University to internal and external communities at various events 
  • Ability to collect and share the diverse experiences of current students
  • Excellent time management and communication skills

Students who successfully complete the program requirements will receive an honorarium up to $250 to thank them for their participation in the program at the end of each of the two semesters and a letter of recognition from the president.