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higher education

Celebrating Black History Month and Recommitting to Action | Célébrons le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs et renouvelons notre engagement

Celebrating Black History Month and Recommitting to Action | Célébrons le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs et renouvelons notre engagement

This February marks the 25th anniversary of the first time Black History Month was officially commemorated in Canada. Black History Month is an opportunity to celebrate Black culture, and recognize the contributions made by the Black students, staff, instructors, and alumni of York University.   Indeed, we are grateful to Black community members for their insights and […]

A Statement from York University President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton on the First Anniversary of the Flight 752 Tragedy | Déclaration de Rhonda Lenton, présidente et vice-chancelière de l’Université York, à l’occasion du premier anniversaire de la tragédie du vol 752

A Statement from York University President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton on the First Anniversary of the Flight 752 Tragedy | Déclaration de Rhonda Lenton, présidente et vice-chancelière de l’Université York, à l’occasion du premier anniversaire de la tragédie du vol 752

Today, on the first anniversary of the downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, the York University community remembers the victims of this tragic event, including three of our own students: Sadaf Hajiaghavand, an upper-year student in York’s Bachelor of Human Resources Management program; Pegah Safar Poor Koloor, a first-year Faculty of Science student, studying […]

A Statement from York University President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton on the Passing of Leo Panitch

A Statement from York University President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda Lenton on the Passing of Leo Panitch

Today, York University mourns the loss of Leo Panitch, Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Politics at the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. Leo was a renowned political economist, Marxist theorist and co-editor of The Socialist Register, and was awarded a Canada Research Chair in 2002 for his study of the role […]

About York

About York

Administration President and Vice-Chancellor Rhonda L. Lenton Vice-President Academic and Provost Lisa Philipps Vice-President Finance and Administration Carol McAulay Vice-President Research and Innovation Amir Asif Vice-President Advancement Susana Gajic-Bruyea Vice-President, Equity, People and Culture Laina Bay-Cheng University Secretary Pascal Robichaud General Counsel Christine Silversides Deans Dean, Faculty of Education Robert Savage Dean, Faculty of Environmental […]

Announcement of Appointment of Principal, Glendon Campus | Annonce de la nomination du principal du campus Glendon

Announcement of Appointment of Principal, Glendon Campus | Annonce de la nomination du principal du campus Glendon

I am delighted to announce that the search for Principal of Glendon Campus has reached a successful conclusion. As you may recall, earlier this year I reconstituted a search committee comprised of members of Glendon Campus — including faculty, staff and students, as well as a member appointed by me — which was chaired by […]

Announcement of Appointment of Maureen Armstrong as Ombudsperson | Nomination de Maureen Armstrong au poste d’ombud de l’Université

Announcement of Appointment of Maureen Armstrong as Ombudsperson | Nomination de Maureen Armstrong au poste d’ombud de l’Université

I am delighted to share with you that Maureen Armstrong has been appointed Interim York University Ombudsperson. Maureen will be familiar to the York community through her service as University Secretary and General Counsel from 2014 to 2019. In this role, she provided strategic and informed counsel to address a multitude of complex governance and […]

A Message from President Lenton on Facilitating and Safeguarding Political Discourse and Freedom of Expression | Message de la présidente Lenton sur la promotion et la protection du discours politique et de la liberté d’expression

A Message from President Lenton on Facilitating and Safeguarding Political Discourse and Freedom of Expression | Message de la présidente Lenton sur la promotion et la protection du discours politique et de la liberté d’expression

La version française suit la version anglaise. With the results of the United States election now announced, I’d like to acknowledge themany members of the York community who have been and continue to be affected by the political events south of the border. Whether you are an American citizen, have friends or loved ones living […]

A Statement from President Rhonda L. Lenton on the Violence in Nigeria

A Statement from President Rhonda L. Lenton on the Violence in Nigeria

La version française suit la version anglaise. The York University community is deeply saddened by the violence that has been occurring across Nigeria in recent weeks in connection with the EndSARS movement. We are particularly devastated by the tragic events of October 20, when police and military forces fired into a crowd of unarmed young […]

York's Commitment to Academic Freedom | Engagement de York envers la liberté universitaire

York's Commitment to Academic Freedom | Engagement de York envers la liberté universitaire

Over the past few months, several incidents bearing on the academic freedom of members of the York Community have been brought to my attention. In each case, individuals and groups external to the University have appealed to senior leadership to intercede against faculty members due to statements made, or research published, in the course of […]

Announcement of Appointment of Dean, Faculty of Education

Announcement of Appointment of Dean, Faculty of Education

I am pleased to inform members of the Faculty of Education and the York community that the search for Dean of the Faculty of Education has reached a successful conclusion. In 2019 I established a search committee, comprised of members of the Faculty of Education (faculty, staff, and students), one member appointed by me, and […]