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Below is a list of useful forms with an explanation of its use and required signatures used by Strategic Procurement Services.

Bidders' Conference Attendance (PDF)Department staff

Strategic Sourcing Rep (optional)
Use this form when conducting a conference/meeting to discuss a procurement opportunity with potential bid respondents and recording attendance is required. Refer to the Bidders Conference SOP (PDF) for more information.
Competitive Bid RequestSignatures are not applicable, but cost centre owner should be aware of the purchase.Use this form when procuring goods or services valued over $50,000.

Confidentiality & Conflict of Interest Acknowledgement (PDF)Director, Strategic Procurement Services, Evaluation Committee and, Buyer/Procurement SpecialistUsed by all evaluation team members, project sponsor, or any other individual who is privy to confidential or competitive information associated with a competitive bid to protect the integrity of the process. Refer to the Competitive Bid Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Acknowledgement SOP (PDF) for more information.

Declaration of Conflict of Interest (PDF)Declarer of conflict of interest, Vice President, Finance & Administration or DelegateUsed when an employee is declaring a conflict of interest where one actually exists, or can appear to others as though a conflict exists. Refer to the Declaring a Conflict of Interest in the Procurement of Goods & Services for more information.

Declaration of Surplus (PDF)Department head and director, Strategic Procurement ServicesUsed when an item is no longer of use and the department wants to declare the item as surplus. For more information refer to Disposing of University Property SOP
Limited Tendering and Non-Application form is available on SmartBuy.

Please note that all new purchasing requisitions need to be submitted through Sm@rtBuy. Change orders and Limited Tendering & Non-Application approval form for the requisitions submitted in Sm@rtBuy will also need to be completed within the Sm@rtBuy system.

For POs that were generated prior to the launch of the Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order (PRPO) process, please use the PDF Purchasing Requisition form and Limited Tendering & Non-Application Approval form for any change orders.

Limited Tendering and Non-Application Procurement Approval (PDF)
Department head
Director, Procurement Services
AVP Finance & CFO or designate
Use in instances when the procurement is an unique or one-of-a-kind or emergency acquisition.
PCard Participant Application & Agreement (PDF)Card requester
Approving Manager
Used when a department/unit wants a purchasing card issued to a full-time employee to purchase goods/services on behalf of the University.
Attestation Form (PDF)Card Holder and Approving ManagerUsed when a receipt is not given, lost, or accidently destroyed.

Performance Evaluation and Engagement Renewal for Licensed Professionals (PDF)Preparer,
AVP of the unit/department,
VP Finance & Administration or designate
Used when a unit/department wishes to renew an existing relationship with a licensed professional. Engagement renewals must be completed every five (5) years (at a minimum).
Purchasing Requisition form is available on SmartBuy.

As of March 11, 2024, all new purchasing requisitions will need to be submitted through Sm@rtBuy, as paper/PDF requests emailed to will no longer be accepted. More information on the Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order process can be found here. Change orders and Limited Tendering & Non-Application approval form for the requisitions submitted in Sm@rtBuy will also need to be completed within the Sm@rtBuy system.


For POs that were generated prior to the launch of the Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order (PRPO) process, please use the PDF Purchasing Requisition form and Limited Tendering & Non-Application Approval form for any change orders.

Purchasing Requisition Form (PDF)
(If you have difficulty viewing the form in
your web browser, please download and open the form in Adobe Reader)

Purchasing Requisition - How To Guide (PDF)
Instructions on how to fill in a purchasing requisition form
Please see Section 10 of the Signing Authority Registrar.A Purchase Order is required:
1) for purchases ≥25K;
2) when a vendor requires payment prior to the shipment of goods or work being completed.

Please direct questions to: for any requisitions submitted through Sm@rtBuy for any purchasing requisitions submitted before March 11, 2024

Travel & Expense Visa Card ApplicationOne of the following individuals:
. executive officer
. dean/principal or designated associate dean/principal
. AVP Finance & CFO
. vice-president or designated associate vice president
. president
. director of Procurement Services
Used by an individual who is required to travel on behalf of the university. The card is used to charge expenditures related to travel.
Vendor Evaluation SurveyCompleted by department responsible for procurement of goods and/or services with an awarded vendor.This form is used by unit/department when evaluating a vendor. Strategic Procurement Services uses this information to gauge vendor performance and ensure that the best suited vendors offer the optimal price and service to the York University community.

Effective April 1, 2024, the University is required to comply with the Building Ontario Businesses Initiative Act. BOBIA requires the University to give preference to Ontario businesses in certain procurements. An Ontario business is defined under BOBIA as any supplier, manufacturer, or distributor that conducts its activities on a permanent basis in Ontario; and, at the time of procurement, has its headquarters or main office or a location with at least 250 employees in Ontario.

For further guidance, please see the FAQ section.

Vendor Quote Solicitation Package (PDF)This Vendor Quote Solicitation package contains all the forms listed below, and a set of instructions on the first page. Additional information on each forms purpose can be found in the rows below.
Vendor Quote Solicitation (PDF)Authorized Agent's SignatureThis form is used by unit/department when sourcing goods/services valued between $25,000 and $121,200. To ensure that the University obtains fair market value and demonstrates transparency and fairness to all vendors, a minimum of three (3) different vendors should be asked to quote.
Invitation to Quote Evaluation Template (EXCEL)N/ACommunity members are required to submit a copy of any record of their evaluation of quotes as part of the procurement process. This Evaluation Template is provided for your convenience in complying with BOBIA.
Ontario Business Attestation (OBA) (PDF) Authorized Agent's Signature To be submitted alongside the vendor quote solicitation to determine whether a business attests to being Ontario-based.
Non-Ontario Business Justification (NOBJ) (PDF) Purchaser To be used when making a purchase from a non-Ontario business or to identify an exemption to the Building Ontario Business Initiative Act.