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Exemption from multiple quotes or the competitive bid process

The Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directive and the University’s Procurement Policy require the University to follow a competitive procurement process when purchasing goods or services over a certain value. In most cases, purchases valued over $25k require at least three quotes to be collected and reviewed and purchases valued over $50k must follow a competitive bid process (to be guided by Strategic Procurement Services).

An exception to (1) the collection of multiple quotes or (2) the competitive bid process are provided in two circumstances:

  1. An emergency: a delay to purchasing could result in (1) danger to life, (2) damage to property, or (3) disruption to essential services.
  2. Competitive bids/quotes are not feasible or practical: it is not feasible or practical to collect multiple quotes or follow the competitive bid process

The steps to follow under each of these circumstances are included below:

An emergency is defined in procurement procedure as a circumstance in which an immediate purchase or procurement decision is necessary to prevent a serious delay, which delay reasonably could result in a danger to life, damage to property, or suspension of the provision of an essential service.

To procure goods and services in an emergency follow these steps:

  1. Procure the goods or services
  2. Complete the required forms - Purchasing Requisition and Limited Tendering Exemption form in Sm@rtBuy

Additional authority:
In an Emergency, the following authority shall apply:

  • The Dean or Director of the affected area has the authority to acquire goods or  services up to $100,000 without regard to the Procurement Procedure; and
  • The Associate or Assistant Vice President of the affected area has the authority to acquire goods and services in excess of $100,000 without regard to this Procedure.

In exceptional circumstances it may not be feasible or practical to collect multiple quotes or follow the competitive bid process. This may be because there is only one vendor in the market capable of providing the good or service needed (sole source) or there are a number of capable vendors but only one is available to provide the good or service (single source).

To procure goods and services under these circumstances follow these steps:

  1. Confirm the preferred vendor
  2. Complete the required forms - Purchasing Requisition and Limited Tendering Exemption form in Sm@rtBuy

Strategic Procurement Services will review the documents and respond within five (5) business days. The review will ensure that the request is supported by an appropriate rationale, evidence of fair market value and all forms are appropriately approved.

All complete and valid non-competitive procurement requests are approved by the Director, Strategic Procurement Services. A Purchase Order is then issued and faxed to the recommended vendor. A copy of Purchase Order and approved Briefing Notes and Approval Form is forwarded to the requestor for record-keeping purposes.

Once approved, the requestor will receive a copy of the Approval Form (with notes) and Purchase Order from Strategic Procurement Services including confirmation that the Purchase Order has been issued to the Vendor. Refer to the appropriate purchasing channel for instructions for "after receipt of goods or services".

In situations where the documentation provided is insufficient to warrant approval, Strategic Procurement Services will contact the requestor within 3 to 5 business days to discuss alternatives.

Please see the Limited Tendering Exemption Tables (PDF) for a detailed description of exemption codes.

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Monday to Friday
8:30AM - 4:30PM

Telephone: 416 736 5857 (Ext. 55857)


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