The Service Provider Questionnaire (SPQ) will help you to determine if a selected service provider should be classified as a Contractor (including Independent Contractor), Consultant or Employee. You are required to complete the SPQ if you are purchasing services from a Service Provider that is Self-employed or a Sole Proprietor and the Service Provider is not already set up in York systems as a ‘Contractor’ or ‘Consultant’.
The classification of Service Providers will ensure, among other things, that:
- York comply with Canada Revenue Agency Rule RC4110-20e “Employee or Self Employed”; and
- Service Providers receive appropriate entitlements and insurance.
Please answer all questions until you reach the end of the questionnaire. In most cases the questionnaire should take less than two (2) minutes to complete. Based on the result of survey, return to Purchase Services (outside Sm@rtBuy) and follow the appropriate channel.
If you are unsure how to answer any of the questions in the Service Provider Questionnaire (SPQ) please contact accounts payable (