Where the vendor does not accept credit card payment or your PCard limit is not sufficient, goods can be purchased and an invoice sent to York.
The payment of invoices that does not require the submission of a purchasing requisition (Non-PO Invoices) will be directed and processed through Sm@rtBuy.
Please note that a Wire To Foreign Country Form must be submitted for payment to a vendor outside Canada or the United States.
What is the Non-PO process?
- Invoices are submitted to Accounts Payable (AP) (vendorinvoices@yorku.ca)
- The invoice is uploaded into Sm@rtBuy and directed to the Purchaser for adding cost centre information
- The invoice is then directed to an Approver based on the Signing Authority Register (SAR) for the given cost centre
- The invoice is returned to AP to complete the the payment process
Required Invoice Information
To enable faster payment of vendor invoices, please include the essential information for processing invoices.
Instruction Guides
A series of instruction guides and videos has been made to help Purchasers and Approvers understand the non-PO invoice process.
Direct Deposit
The preferred method of payment is direct deposit, and if possible, would as the vendor to complete an application for vendor direct deposit banking form.