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Sm@rtBuy 101

Sm@rtBuy is York’s on-line procurement system, designed to improve the University’s purchasing processes and reduce costs.

Sm@rtBuy is an online “one-stop shop” that allows you to purchase and pay for a variety of products your department needs, from office supplies, to computers, to scientific supplies to catering.

Any employee with Passport York account can access Sm@rtBuy and is assigned with a “Shopper” role.

Shopper: These users can shop for items but cannot submit carts. Shoppers must assign a Requisitioner to the cart. Only Requisitioners can submit carts in Sm@rtBuy.

Requisitioner: These users can shop for items and submit carts (that they created or were assigned from a Shopper).
To obtain a Requisitioner role, the Requisitioner Application Form must be completed and submitted, request must be approved by the Requestor’s manager and the Sm@rtBuy training for Requisitioners must be completed by the Requestor.

Approver: These users can review (approve, reject, or return) Purchase Requisitions but typically cannot submit their own shopping cart. They must ask a Shopper or Requisitioner within their department to create and submit a shopping cart.

Sm@rtBuy is accessible to you from almost anywhere - as long as you have a computer and Passport York, you can buy. Sm@rtBuy gives you immediate on-line access to a purchasing experience that is faster, simpler, more transparent (trackable) and convenient.

Sm@rtBuy is easy to use and is like other websites where you buy things on-line. Sm@rtBuy integrates multiple supplier catalogs into one robust online shopping experience.

Two types of purchases can be made in Sm@rtBuy:

(1) Catalogue purchase, any item listed for sale in Sm@rtBuy (the Sm@rtBuy Catalogue); or

(2) Non-Catalogue purchase, any item not available on Sm@rtBuy Catalogue.

Purchasing in Sm@rtBuy


Catalogue items: Search for the item(s) you wish to purchase and add them to your cart.

Non-catalogue items: Complete a Non-catalogue Purchase Requisition in Sm@rtBuy.


Your purchase will automatically move into the appropriate workflow for approval.

Once approved, a Purchase Order will automatically be issued to the vendor.


For purchases valued over $5,000, you will need to "receive" the goods in Sm@rtBuy before the invoice can be paid.

In most cases an electronic invoice will be sent directly to Accounts Payable via Sm@rtBuy.

If you receive a 'hard copy' Sm@rtBuy invoice, forward it to Accounts Payable (

Tip: Sm@rtBuy invoices and Purchase Orders can be identified because the invoice number starts with I000 and the Purchase Order number starts with a "P".

Sm@rtBuy Workflow

All shoppers, requisitioners, and approvers will authenticate into Sm@rtBuy through Passport York. To understand the core functions of each position, click through the tabs below

  • Review and update selected user profile items
  • View all vendors and products available in Sm@rtBuy
  • Create, update, edit and withdraw their own shopping carts
  • Review and assign chartfields to shopping carts (optional for shoppers)
  • Create chartfield favorites and assign defaults
  • Add notes and attachments to carts
  • Assign and un-assign shopping carts to requisitioners
  • Check the approval status of a requisition
  • Create favorites or routinely ordered items
  • Create system receipts for orders (under $5000 is optional)
  • View all their invoices and payment history in Sm@rtBuy

Procurement Services manages which Sm@rtBuy users are granted a requisitioner role.

To become a Sm@rtBuy requisitioner a Requisitioner Application form must be completed, approved and submitted to Procurement Services for processing. Requisitioners have all the same access as a shopper, plus they can:

  • Review, push back, approve, or reject shopping carts assigned to them
  • Assign and un-assign substitute requisitioners to approve carts
  • Review and submit their own cars for processing
  • View the status of all requisitions, purchase orders and approvals for all shopping carts assigned to them or initiated by them

IT reviewers have been designated within each IT department and were selected by IT Directors (or representatives) in consultation with IT Council. IT reviewers become engaged int he workflow when an order of $500 or more is placed with one of the three IT vendors - Dell, Lenovo (Data Integrity) and Apple.

IT reviewers have the same access as shopper, plus they will:

  • Assist shoppers and requisitioners with their IT purchases
  • Help ensure that IT internal policies and procedures are followed in regards to asset management, support, warranty, etc.

Approvers are determined by the workflow model. The approver roster is managed and maintained in PeopleSoft and fed into the Sm@rtBuy system. All users designated as a signing authority for the Sm@rtBuy system will automatically be granted an approver role. Approvers have all the same access as a shopper, plus they can:

  • Review, push back, approve or reject shopping carts
  • Assign and un-assign substitute approvers to approve requisitions
  • View the status of all requisitions, purchase orders and approvals for all shopping carts assigned to them and take action as required
  • Put invoices on hold
  • View all invoice and payment history that is stored in Sm@rtBuy

The supplier will receive a purchase order via the Sm@rtBuy system and they are responsible for completing the order and shipping the goods to the shipping address address indicated on the order. The supplier is instructed to send all invoices directly to the Accounts Payable Department. No invoices should be sent to the faculty or department where the goods are shipped. Doing so will result in payment delays.

Want to Learn More?

There are a number of training and resource options to learn more about the Sm@rtBuy process.