Welcome to York University’s Social Procurement Vendor Portal. Thank you for your interest in the program. We hope that you'll find everything you need to learn more about York's Social Procurement Vendor Portal during your visit here. Check back regularly for news, resources and updates!
The Social Procurement Vendor Portal program is an opportunity for diverse vendors and social enterprises to register their interest in having their business listed on York University’s Social Procurement Vendor Directory. York University community members and our partner institutions will be able to search the publicly available Directory when seeking to purchase goods and services.
Please read the instructions carefully and note that being on this list does not guarantee future contracts with York University or its partners.
How to Apply
*Your personal information will only be used for assessing your application. Your information will be securely stored and will not be shared with anyone. In the public directory, your business will only be referenced as DV for diverse vendor, IB for Indigenous-owned businesses or SE for social enterprise in addition to your business’s information. No personal identifying labels will be included in the directory.
Once we have received all of your information we will inform you of the outcome of your application. If successful, your business information and contact information will be found here.
Learn more about York University’s Social Procurement Policy here