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Sense to Synapse

Biophysical Mechanisms of Perception

April 19, 2012
9:00 AM – 4:15 PM
Davis Auditorium (Schapiro CESPR Bldg.)
Columbia University, New York City


  • 04.18.12: Final preparations have been made and everything looks good for tomorrow. We’ll see everyone at 9 AM. As an aside, we have created some slides motivated by themes in the conference to play in the ‘background’ during the coffee breaks and lunch. For those interested, the slides can be downloaded here.
  • 04.09.12: The finalized schedule can be found here. Also, we have created a separate page that provides the abstracts for the short talks (accessed here).
  • 04.03.12: Due to high level of interest and limited space, registration is now closed. We hope to be able to accommodate (as best we can) those who would like to attend but have not yet registered. However, due to the need for advanced planning (e.g., catering), such accommodations will be limited.
  • 03.24.12: Abstract submission is now closed.


On April 19th, 2012, there will be a single-day conference dedicated to bringing together those interested in the biophysics of the senses (e.g., transduction, neural processing, etc…). The goal of the event is two-fold:

  • To provide an accessible forum for discussion of the biophysics of systems that allow us to sense the world around us (hearing, smell, vision, touch, and taste)
  • To provide an opportunity for those in the NYC area to meet and interact

The day will consist of several plenary-style talks, one on each of the five senses. These keynote talks will be given by leading investigators in their field and will span both transduction and subsequent neural processing. Additionally, students and postdocs will give several short talks highlighting their research. Lunch and two extended coffee breaks will be provided to encourage participants to further interact and to get to know one another.

SCHEDULE: A finalized schedule can be viewed here (click here for abstracts)

REGISTRATION: We request that those planning to attend register ahead of time (see information below)

⇒ Event flyer can be downloaded here. Please feel free to print out and post!
⇒ Schedule to be posted soon (but the event will take place from 9 until ~4-4:15)

Keynote Speakers

Call for Abstracts

We invite students and postdocs to submit abstracts for consideration for oral presentations at the conference. A wide range of topics will be considered for presentation from peripheral sensory transduction to the neural coding of sensory stimuli. Spatial scales can range from molecular to cellular to whole organisms. Neurons can be at the periphery, the brainstem, or the cortex. The anticipated audience will consist of graduate students, postdocs and senior scientists with diverse backgrounds such as physics, neuroscience, engineering, and mathematics.

Talks will be 8 minutes each with a few minutes at the end for questions from the audience. Talks should be in pdf format and sent to sense2synapse {at} prior to the conference. Due to time constraints, only a limited number of submissions can be accepted for presentation.

To submit an abstract, please follow these instructions carefully. Compose a message containing the following:
1. Name (Last, First)
2. Email
3. School/Affiliation
4. Names of any other authors
5. Title
6. Abstract

Abstract length should not exceed 300 words.

Send this message, with the subject line ‘S2S Abstract’ to: sense2synapse {at}

⇒ The DEADLINE for submission is March 23, 2012. Notification of acceptance will be made by April 6th.



NOTE: Registration is now closed (4/3/12)

Due to the limited size of the venue, space is limited. While this event is free and open to the public, we request that those planning to attend to register as early as possible. To register, please click on the following link and fill out the requested information:



This event is made possible by the gracious support of the following:


Additional Information

  • Event flyer can be downloaded here
  • Directions to Davis Auditorium can be found here
  • Homepage:
  • Contact: sense2synapse {at}