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Additional resources for Arduino Hardware and Matlab

[courtesy of Eric Prandovzsky.]

  1. You can use the available devices in the kit to come up with something creative
    • Button
    • LED
    • Buzzer
    • Microphone
    • Light Sensor
    • Potentiometer
    • DHT11 Temperature sensor. 
    • Pump
    • Soil Moisture Sensor
    • MOSFET
  2. If you want to add any advanced devices, these are the ones that have drivers available for MATLAB (all found on the MathWorks site)
MPU6050 I2C 6-Axis IMU/Accelerometer
MPU9150 I2C 9-Axis IMU/Accelerometer
MPU9250 I2C 9-Axis IMU/Accelerometer
LSM9DS1 I2C 9-Axis IMU/Accelerometer
BNO055 I2C 9-Axis IMU/Accelerometer
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
servo Mini servo motor
shiftRegister Shift Register IC control
rotaryEncoder Quadrature Rotary Encoder
MATLAB Arduino LCD display System 1602 or 1604 character LCD's
WS2812  NeoPixel Programmable Pixels
1-Wire Add-On Library for Arduino DS18B12 Temperature Sensor 
DHT22 Add-On Library for Arduino DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor


  1. There are some project examples on there also (for ideas)
Play a Tune on Arduino Example of using a Buzzer to play a tune
Mapping Your Surroundings Using MATLAB and Arduino Example using HCSR04 and a Mini Servo
Plot Arduino data on MATLAB Example of plotting data received to MATLAB from Arduino 


  1. There are many other items that can be used with the simple readVoltage function (just like the soil moisture sensor), such as: