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Sabbatical Report: Possible Franco-German-Canadian Student Exchanges

Sabbatical Report: Possible Franco-German-Canadian Student Exchanges

During my 2018-19 sabbatical year I worked with colleagues at engineering schools in Strasbourg, France and Karlsruhe, Germany.  These schools have well-developed exchange programs and wished to establish an exchange program with York University.  I had many productive and insightful conversations about ideas, challenges and opportunities for exchanges with Angelika Hammann and the staff in the […]

Sabbatical Report: Updating Microcontrollers

Sabbatical Report: Updating Microcontrollers

As part of my sabbatical activities I took on the "Temps Pratiques" microcontroller laboratory sessions for electrical engineering and mechatronics students at INSA Strasbourg.  In pre-sabbatical discussions with faculty and staff at INSA Strasbourg I found out that the students were learning using what I considered to be outdated technologies.  The PIC16F84A microcontroller chip used […]

The YorkU Teaching Wheels

The YorkU Teaching Wheels

[This is a reposting of my original blog post at the York University Teaching Commons' Blog.] Peer-to-Peer Teaching Feedback Done Right: The YorkU Teaching Wheels There are typically two ways to get feedback on teaching: through anonymous student feedback and through your colleagues on the tenure and promotion committee.  But both of these mechanisms are […]