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Firmata & Java

Firmata is a set of Arduino projects that are aimed at helping solve a particular class of problems with embedded devices: having a main computer send and receive data from an Arduino, typically in a simple control or data-logging application. This is similar to how people use the Arduino support for Matlab. In Java we […]

Lab Kit details for EECS 1011/1021

[Updated March 2024] EECS 1011 (and 1021) Lab Kit The EECS 1011 kit is available for purchase from the York University Bookstore. The link for all lab kits at the Bookstore is here. As soon as it is available your course instructor will let you know. While the official kit is designed to work for […]

The EECS 2021 Lab Kit: Grove Board + Snap Programmer

EECS 2021 Lab Kit The EECS 2021 lab requires you to have both (1) the Grove board with an ATMEGA328P chip on it (you got it as a part of the EECS 1011/21 lab kit last year), as well as (2) a Snap programmer. The Grove kit (officially called the "Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino") […]

Additional resources for Arduino Hardware and Matlab

[courtesy of Eric Prandovzsky.] You can use the available devices in the kit to come up with something creative Button LED Buzzer Microphone Light Sensor Potentiometer DHT11 Temperature sensor.  Pump Soil Moisture Sensor MOSFET If you want to add any advanced devices, these are the ones that have drivers available for MATLAB (all found on […]

The Arduino Support Package in Matlab

Matlab Arduino Support Package Installation Online Installation isn't working If you are having trouble installing Arduino Matlab support packages using the online method (see below) You may use the following steps to offline-install Arduino Matlab Support packages Steps to follow    1. Clean the Installation Directory For R2016b and newer a. Open MATLAB and […]

Grove board connections in MATLAB

I've posted two videos on YouTube about getting your Grove (or other Arduino-compatible board) connected to MATLAB.  You can see the two videos here: 1. Grove board:  2. Seeeduino (Uno-like) board:  one includes the Grove Beginner Kit and the other is a standard Arduino Uno-compatible board.  Depending on whether you are using the […]