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Sabbatical Report: Updating Microcontrollers

Sabbatical Report: Updating Microcontrollers

As part of my sabbatical activities I took on the "Temps Pratiques" microcontroller laboratory sessions for electrical engineering and mechatronics students at INSA Strasbourg.  In pre-sabbatical discussions with faculty and staff at INSA Strasbourg I found out that the students were learning using what I considered to be outdated technologies.  The PIC16F84A microcontroller chip used […]

Microcontroller Labs (TP) at INSA Strasbourg

Microcontroller Labs (TP) at INSA Strasbourg

On this page you will find the documents for the "TP" (Practical Time) lab that I instructed at the INSA Strasbourg Engineering School in Strasbourg, France while I was on sabbatical from York University.  Links to videos and other material are included in the PDFs.  The lab uses the Microchip Curiosity board, with built-in debugger […]

Interrupts, Bit Clearing and Setting in XC8

Interrupts, Bit Clearing and Setting in XC8

While testing out the PIC16F88 replacement for the PIC16F84 on the INSA microcontroller teaching board I ran into issues with two things not working as per the standard sources of examples (e.g. Microchip's Developer Wiki): Interrupt Service Routines Bit setting, clearing via structures These examples appear to have been written for versions of XC8 prior […]

Embedded Systems course in Karlsruhe, Germany

Embedded Systems course in Karlsruhe, Germany

I'll be teaching the IP 411 "Embedded Systems for Engineering Applications” class at HS Karlsruhe in October as part of my sabbatical activities.  It will take place over four days: Fri 12 October 2018, 2 pm – 5.30 pm Sat 13 October 2018, 9 am – 5.30 pm Fri 19 October 2018, 2 pm – 5.30 […]

Debugging with Breakpoints: Simulation is not the Real Thing

Debugging with Breakpoints: Simulation is not the Real Thing

As my deadline for producing teaching material for the PIC16 boards at INSA Strasbourg approaches, I'm running into real world debugging issues. Now, it's important to point out that I'm trying to make sure that my teaching material is debugging-focused and provides an opportunity for self-directed learning. The first attempts at running a program on […]

Programming the INSA PIC16 Board

Programming the INSA PIC16 Board

After a few months twiddling PIC16 bits in simulation I need to get three, three-hour lab sessions written up for the PIC16F84.  The school has provided me with two versions of their PIC16F84A boards, one designed for Mechatronics students and one for EE students. The board designs date to the dawn of the Arduino era […]