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MPLAB X on Apple Silicon

A lot of people have been asking whether Microchip's MPLAB X runs on Apple Silicon machines. The answer is: Yes. I have just tested it out on my Apple M3 Pro MacBook Pro. It works fine so far. I have installed MPLAB X v6.20 and the XC8 compiler. I've hooked up a PIC16 board and […]

Trying out the M5Stack

My colleague, Eric Prandovszky, has been discussing the M5Stack system with me for a while and acquired a few modules to us to try out. Today I tried out the M5Stack Core 2 AWS module. My objective is to see if we can program it using the legacy Arduino 1.x IDE on macOS with Apple […]

Testing the LEDs and Button 1 on the ChipKit I/O with KL25

As part of a research project I'm resurrecting some KL25Z boards and ChipKit basic I/O shield boards and seeing if they can be used together. The ChipKit has some pushbuttons and LEDs. The following code, with the help of single-stepping and the debugger can get the LED bank and BTN1 on the ChipKit I/O board […]

Ad-hoc unit testing on simAVR and VPL

In the previous post I showed you how to use VPL and simAVR together to write a basic activity that would test to see if a student could change or assign the value of a register in the simulated microcontroller using the C programming language. While it was the most straight-forward way that I could […]

Simulated Microcontrollers in VPL Exercises

In Computer Architecture classes or Embedded Systems classes, it can be really useful to allow for students to be graded on assignments that allow them to interactively explore the inner workings of a microprocessor. One way is to have the students create programs in a hardware description language like Verilog or VHDL. Another way is […]

Installing SIMAVR on Mac OS X

The SIMAVR package is for simulating AVR processors like the ATMEGA328 on the Arduino UNO. I'm looking to try to use it with VPL in courses like our computer architecture class, EECS 2021, as a way of simulating the UNO's processor in exercises involving assembler and C programming. On a Mac, we use HomeBrew. The […]

Easy Java + Arduino with Firmata (updated)

Arduino devices are commonplace in Engineering programs. Even if the profs don't use them, the students do. In Engineering programs, we often need to set up sensor monitoring or motor control systems. If students haven't worked with these in the first through third years of their programs, they are likely to encounter them in the […]

Pedagogy in a Pandemic: Teaching without Exams

This is the first semester that I've taught 100% online.  The Fall 2020 lockdown and the YorkU strike in 2018 gave me a taste of what it would be like and alerted me to the need for restructuring of my classes in order to make them more favourable to learning.  During the pandemic, students are […]

LPC802 & LPC804 Microcontroller lessons

These are copies of the lessons and labs that I developed for the LPC802 and LPC804 microcontrollers by NXP. These are the "student" versions and contain blanks in certain places on purpose. Course Outline (EECS 3215 Winter 2020) Introduction to the design of embedded systems using both hardware and software. Topics include microcontrollers; their architecture, […]

At Home Electronics Lab Kits for Engineering

this is a work in progress... nothing is finalized and no decision made at this point.  Just doing a market survey for now... many people need to be consulted and this will have to be a joint decision... We'll use an internal (to York) Teams page to flesh out the details. Key characteristics Price. (low […]