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Trying out the M5Stack

My colleague, Eric Prandovszky, has been discussing the M5Stack system with me for a while and acquired a few modules to us to try out. Today I tried out the M5Stack Core 2 AWS module. My objective is to see if we can program it using the legacy Arduino 1.x IDE on macOS with Apple […]

State Machines for Electro-mechanical Projects in MATLAB

A challenge that new engineering students have when developing programs is trying to determine how to plan out their program. Should the student include a loop? Two loops? One after the other? One inside another? When adding sensors and actuators -- as we do in our course -- when should the sensor be read and […]

VPL in 2023: New eClass Skin

For anyone reviewing older videos or blog pages for Virtual Programming Lab on YorkU's eClass system, it's important to note that the settings "gear" has moved.

What's next for Firmata

[work in progress, Summer 2023] In the Winter of 2022 and 2023 we used Firmata and Firmata4j in the EECS 1021 class. It provides a great deal of functionality while also allowing students to focus on the development of the client on the computer rather than both the client and the Arduino server code. At […]

Wear the best-fitting N95 you can

It's March, 2023. Most of the world has "moved on from COVID" and stopped wearing masks. Here at York University, the YUScreen system was dropped last month and many of the door signs about COVID have been removed. But the fact remains that there are still plenty of reasons to wear a mask* in public. […]

Welcome to EECS 2021, Blended Edition

Hello students, It's August 30, 2022 and we'll be starting class in just over a week. The eClass page will be available shortly, but I wanted to reach out to let you know what we have planned. The topics The EECS 2021 course is about how microprocessors work. We will examine both the hardware and […]

Welcome to EECS 1011

This class has run successfully for two years as a remote course. We redesigned the material and delivery for the pandemic and the formula that we've come up with works really, really well. So, while this course is officially an in-person course for 2022, there are no in-person tests, nor is there a requirement to […]

Verilog in Virtual Programming Lab

Unit testing is really important in general programming, but it's also really useful when creating interactive programming assignments. With Java, I like to use JUnit and with C I like to use the Unity unit tester. With Verilog it's actually really straight-forward to set up testing frameworks. In the EECS 2021 (Computer Organization) labs written […]

Suggestions for Computers (Oct 2021)

To new students (and their parents) who are looking to get a computer for the upcoming university school year, here are some tips (via my Twitter thread) How much? Get what you can afford.  Most people will spend between $500 and $2000 for a computer.  $1000 - $1500 will get you a phenomenal machine that […]

Lab Kit details for EECS 1011/1021

[Updated March 2024] EECS 1011 (and 1021) Lab Kit The EECS 1011 kit is available for purchase from the York University Bookstore. The link for all lab kits at the Bookstore is here. As soon as it is available your course instructor will let you know. While the official kit is designed to work for […]