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Search Results for: vpl

Virtual Programming Lab: Basic Examples

Virtual Programming Lab: Basic Examples

Heard about Virtual Programming Lab (VPL) and eClass at York and want to "kick the tires" a little? If you haven't already, VPL is a plugin for Moodle (eClass at YorkU) that allows instructors to create interactive programming activities for students. Here is some introductory material. [this may need an update after the update in […]

Installing SIMAVR on Mac OS X

Installing SIMAVR on Mac OS X

The SIMAVR package is for simulating AVR processors like the ATMEGA328 on the Arduino UNO. I'm looking to try to use it with VPL in courses like our computer architecture class, EECS 2021, as a way of simulating the UNO's processor in exercises involving assembler and C programming. On a Mac, we use HomeBrew. The […]

Verilog in Virtual Programming Lab

Verilog in Virtual Programming Lab

Unit testing is really important in general programming, but it's also really useful when creating interactive programming assignments. With Java, I like to use JUnit and with C I like to use the Unity unit tester. With Verilog it's actually really straight-forward to set up testing frameworks. In the EECS 2021 (Computer Organization) labs written […]

Welcome to my Classroom

Welcome to my Classroom

The Teaching in Focus (TiF) conference at York was held online in 2021 due to the pandemic.  Here's a list of the abstracts.  My "Welcome to my Classroom" talk was based on the work I did in EECS 1011, 1021 and 2021: Giving students rapid and accurate feedback is vital. We can do so with […]

Simulating Micros from Command Line

Simulating Micros from Command Line

Introduction Microchip's MPLAB X permits simulation from the command line.  This is interesting from the perspective of teaching if we have automatically-graded programming assignments that take the student's program and runs it against a simulated chip in an LMS like Moodle. Background I'm interested in how we can use the MDB in MPLAB X to […]