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Fighting COVID with Ventilation

Fighting COVID with Ventilation

Introduction It's May, 14, 2021 and the consensus is that COVID is airborne, that the characteristics of aerosols play a significant role in how it spreads and infects.  This is distinct from the outdated assumption that it is spread primarily through droplets and/or surface contact (foamites). Summary: Add CO2 Sensors to our Classrooms & Offices […]

2020/21's First Year Students: Arduinos, Matlab and Java

2020/21's First Year Students: Arduinos, Matlab and Java

  Introduction The 1st year programming courses in the Lassonde School at YorkU were revamped for the 2020/21 school year so that students could do hands-on lab activities from home.  The students took two programming classes: Matlab procedural programming in Fall 2020 Java object-oriented programming in Winter 2021 In both courses the students used Arduino-compatible […]

Simulating Micros from Command Line

Simulating Micros from Command Line

Introduction Microchip's MPLAB X permits simulation from the command line.  This is interesting from the perspective of teaching if we have automatically-graded programming assignments that take the student's program and runs it against a simulated chip in an LMS like Moodle. Background I'm interested in how we can use the MDB in MPLAB X to […]

Completion Tracking Reports on eClass

Completion Tracking Reports on eClass

I enabled "completion tracking" on my eClass (Moodle) class pages.  It's a great way for students to see how much work they have completed and how much work still needs to be done.  Instructors can also use it to see how students are doing and to send messages as appropriate.  I describe the "how-to" for […]

JavaFX problems and suggested fixes

JavaFX problems and suggested fixes

[draft / in progress] A number of students in EECS 1021 have encountered a few problems when trying to get a simple JavaFX program working in IntelliJ.  The problem appears to happen mostly on the Windows 10 machines, but does also happen on macOS. Background The setup: IntelliJ IDEA 2020 Community Edition, AdoptOpen JDK 14 […]

Competencies and Outcomes in Moodle (eClass)

Competencies and Outcomes in Moodle (eClass)

Introduction I've been looking for ways to tie in course learning outcomes to a course on eClass (Moodle).  While the Outcomes framework on eClass is an appealing candidate for this, it seems to require manual grading and interventions to work.  After suggestions from Profs Mojgan Jadidi and Melanie Baljko who had previously used it, I've […]

Additional resources for Arduino Hardware and Matlab

Additional resources for Arduino Hardware and Matlab

[courtesy of Eric Prandovzsky.] You can use the available devices in the kit to come up with something creative Button LED Buzzer Microphone Light Sensor Potentiometer DHT11 Temperature sensor.  Pump Soil Moisture Sensor MOSFET If you want to add any advanced devices, these are the ones that have drivers available for MATLAB (all found on […]

The Arduino Support Package in Matlab

The Arduino Support Package in Matlab

Matlab Arduino Support Package Installation Online Installation isn't working If you are having trouble installing Arduino Matlab support packages using the online method (see below) You may use the following steps to offline-install Arduino Matlab Support packages Steps to follow    1. Clean the Installation Directory For R2016b and newer a. Open MATLAB and […]

Grove board connections in MATLAB

Grove board connections in MATLAB

I've posted two videos on YouTube about getting your Grove (or other Arduino-compatible board) connected to MATLAB.  You can see the two videos here: 1. Grove board:  2. Seeeduino (Uno-like) board:  one includes the Grove Beginner Kit and the other is a standard Arduino Uno-compatible board.  Depending on whether you are using the […]