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A first JavaFX application on IntelliJ

A first JavaFX application on IntelliJ

[updated Jan. 2021] The JavaFX library is a good resource for making graphs.  There are 8 basic graph types in JavaFX (Edencode link); Oracle tutorial link) Getting started in Java is more difficult than in Matlab.  Want graphics?  You'll need JavaFX.  That means first undertaking three steps: Download and install an IDE (e.g. IntelliJ), Download […]

Lab Kit for EECS 1011 and 1021.

Lab Kit for EECS 1011 and 1021.

The YorkU Bookstore sells a lab kit for EECS 1011 and 1021.  The original batch of kits arrived in September, 2020.  The next batch arrived in December, 2020.  If you live in a country for which the Bookstore does not ship to you, or you have discovered that there is no more stock at the […]

EECS 1011 Minor Project: Grow a Plant

EECS 1011 Minor Project: Grow a Plant

Students in our EECS 1011 "intro to programming class" will be working on growing plants throughout the semester as part of their minor project.  Students will connect their Arduino-compatible Grove board to the plant to automate the watering process. Students may choose to grow something from seed or to continue to maintain an indoor potted […]

Recent interviews, podcasts and webcasts...

Recent interviews, podcasts and webcasts...

I had the privilege of participating in three interviews this summer. Podcast or Perish with Prof. Graham Cameron (epidsode link) The Montreal NewTech "Deep Dive" webcast with Simran Kanda (episode link) The Lassonde Engineering Society's inFlux podcast (episode Link) Update: here's another podcast link for April 2021: Stark Talks (Lassonde Students): Spotify link,Youtube link,Apple Podcast […]

Icons and vector art links

Icons and vector art links

I have a paid subscription to The Noun Project because I like the deep and broad selection of black-and-white icons that can be used in all kinds of documents.  The licence model is worry-free: I pay for a subscription and can use any icon I download wherever I want, without the need for attribution (even […]

eClass messaging

eClass messaging

Most profs have overflowing email inboxes, making it hard to keep track of student emails.  Two ways that I've heard of dealing with this effectively is to (a) create a class specific email address and (b) have students use the messaging system within the LMS. While messaging will work by default, you may wish to […]

Moodle "Demo Student"

Moodle "Demo Student"

When designing your content on Moodle (eClass) it's important to test out how it looks and feels from a student perspective. In the Summer of 2020, YorkU's "DemoStudent" was introduced to provide that.  With few exceptions, it shows what the student sees, all without having profs ask a student to log in or to beg […]

Gendered language in Job Ads

Gendered language in Job Ads

[updated 2021 & 2022] We don't hire enough women in Engineering and Computer Science faculties.  It's a peer-reviewed fact. And, yet, hiring committees continue to refuse to use the same rigour and critical thinking in finding a new colleague that they demand in their every-day research.  Where's the evidence that your ad-hoc, "mmmm.... feels good" […]

eClass "Playground" course

eClass "Playground" course

UIT has rebadged Moodle as "eClass" and now made the "Playground" feature front and centre for teaching faculty to create areas for us to test ideas without immediately changing an existing course. Access it via the "Create Playground" link on the left of your welcome page: We can now more easily name the playground.  This […]