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Virtual Programming Lab

Virtual Programming Lab

Virtual Programming Lab is a plugin for Moodle (eClass at YorkU) that permits interactive programming assignments to be made for students.   There are some really good examples at Smith College on how to set it up with Python and a few with Java and C. I've posted, on YouTube, an example of how to […]

Disassembling in MPLABX & MCUXpresso

Disassembling in MPLABX & MCUXpresso

[to be updated] When you write programs in languages like C or C++ the programs get converted by the compiler tools into commands that the computer can read and understand.  Just before the compiler tools do that they convert your work into a sequence of commands into a language called Assembler. Back in the day […]

Moodle Scheduler

Moodle Scheduler

There are plenty of reasons to schedule interactions with students.  Office hours are one reason, and student presentations are another.  The Moodle scheduler allows you to set up these meetings, as shown in the figure below. once the student has looked at the schedule, she can then select a time slot.  Once she has "booked […]

Moodle: Quiz Module

Moodle: Quiz Module

This is what the Quiz view looks like for students. multiple-choice... fill in the blank, with pre-defined answers.  Notice that you can drag and drop the answer blocks and that the block gets highlighted in yellow when it's over the right place... short answer, with no pre-defined solution.... summary of the quiz... confirm submission... The […]

Moodle tools: Glossary

Moodle tools: Glossary

What if you want a student to post material and have the rest of the class view and comment?  The Wiki module might be overkill, as is the Workshop module.  Maybe the Glossary module is light enough. Here, I'm setting it up to permit comments on entries. There are different styles of Glossaries... Dictionary, Encyclopedia, […]

Starting a amateur radio station at home

Starting a amateur radio station at home

After a 20 year hiatus, I'm getting back into amateur radio.  This time, rather than a failed attempt at learning morse code, I'm trying to be practical.  My goals are two-fold: To be able to participate in emergency communications To be able to use digital modes like DStar, FT8, etc. I'm not interested in old-school […]

At Home Electronics Lab Kits for Engineering

At Home Electronics Lab Kits for Engineering

this is a work in progress... nothing is finalized and no decision made at this point.  Just doing a market survey for now... many people need to be consulted and this will have to be a joint decision... We'll use an internal (to York) Teams page to flesh out the details. Key characteristics Price. (low […]

Matlab and Arduino

Matlab and Arduino

The programming and embedded systems curriculum in engineering should be constantly revised as the underlying methods and technologies are constantly changing. Here, I'm exploring how we can update the systems we use in our first year programming class at the Lassonde School.    Low barriers to entry are key as many of our students have […]



I got a copy of the ARRL handbook (2020) edition, flipped it up to the section on D-Star and was amazed at how out of date it was. A number of links lead to pages that have been out of commission for eight or more years. The ARRL Handbook is silent about the the Kenwood […]