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Air Quality Training (WHSC)

Air Quality Training (WHSC)

Summary The Ontario Workers Health & Safety Training Centre provides training on Indoor Air Quality.  It’s valuable training for Joint Health and Safety Committee members to provide them on background to better understand how to go about gathering and analyzing information on indoor air in the workplace.  The training covers common issues, limitations, and responsibilities. (preview here)  Given the importance of […]

Java and Arduino: Serial Communication

Java and Arduino: Serial Communication

Before we started using Firmata and Firmata4j in the EECS 1021 class, Richard Robinson and I put together lab activities that used the Fazecast jSerialComm library paired with customized Arduino serial code. The approach is summarized in three videos: Video 1: The Plan for Sending Data to an Arduino We need to send information, in […]

Initial Review: M3 Pro MacBook Pro

Initial Review: M3 Pro MacBook Pro

One sentence summary The latest M3 Pro laptops from Apple have one main target audience: people holding on to their Intel-based MacBooks, like me. Background I have a 2018 MacBook Air. I used it to teach in France and Germany during my sabbatical. I used it to teach online and in-person here at York University. […]

Java and Arduino (2022 edition)

Java and Arduino (2022 edition)

In the EECS 1021 class here at York University the students learning about object oriented programming in an engineering that uses sensors and actuators. We use Arduino devices that host a special pre-made firmware called Firmata to do this in order to unburden the students from the C++ coding that would otherwise be required on […]

"Mistakes are possible"

"Mistakes are possible"

Last month I posted about why it's important for my students to be careful when (not if!) they use AI chatbots like Bing / ChatGPT. Today, I turned on Bing and noticed this disclaimer: Frankly, that's good to see. These chatbots are interesting and potentially useful tools, but one must be cautious when using them. […]

Matlab and Arduino (Fall 2023)

Matlab and Arduino (Fall 2023)

I use Arduino-compatible hardware in two of the engineering programming classes that I teach here at York University. Rather than program the boards directly, I have the students install a little program on the Arduinos that can communicate with the programs that the students actually write on their own computers. For the first course, the […]